US News

Israel rejects Kerry’s Gaza truce while Palestinians protest

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An undercover Israeli police officer holds up a gun as others detain a Palestinian man during clashes near Jerusalem’s Old City July 25th.
Stunning images have been captured of the arrest of a Palestinian man suspected of throwing stones in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi al-Joz during a protest against the Israeli offensive in Gaza on July 25.AP
An undercover Israeli police officer with a gun speaks to bystanders to move, as other officers were trying to detain a Palestinian man
An undercover Israeli policeman yells at bystanders to move as others detain the suspect. AP
Israeli security forces are on heightened alert after a Palestinian man was shot dead during a huge protest in the West Bank against the military offensive in Gaza.Reuters
The officer runs for cover as protesters start pelting him with stones.Getty Images
Israeli undercover policemen, one holding a gun, arrest a Palestinian (R) during clashes following traditional Friday prayers near the Old City in East Jerusalem on July 25, 2014. Israeli security forces are on heightened alert after a Palestinian man was shot dead during a huge protest in the West Bank against Israel's military offensive in Gaza. Palestinian factions in the West Bank declared a "Day of Rage" after the previous night's clashes around the West Bank and in some sectors of Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem. AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLIAHMAD GHARABLI/AFP/Getty Images
An undercover officer points his gun at protesters as his colleagues arrest the suspect.Getty Images
Palestinian factions in the West Bank declared a "Day of Rage" after the previous night's clashes around the West Bank and in some sectors of Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem.Getty Images
In Jerusalem, hundreds of Palestinians protested in the traditionally Arab-populated east of the city after Muslim noon prayers, and a dozen protesters threw rocks and fireworks at Israeli police, who fired stun grenades and water cannons.Reuters
Getty Images
Undercover and uniformed police lead the suspect away.Reuters

Bullets went flying through the streets of East Jerusalem ⛎on Friday, as Israeli police and Pale🗹stinian protesters clashed in bloody battles near the Old City during a “day of rage” called for by Palestinians in protest of the Gaza conflict.

In a street skirmish near East Jerusalem’s Old City just afte🔯r traditional Friday prayers, Palestinian protesters cowered away from Israeli undercover police. One Israeli officer aimed his gun at a Palestinian demonstrator as a bullet zoomed through the air and his colleagues scrambled to arrest another man.

Protesters hurled rocks and fireworks at Israeli ಌsecurity forces, who swiftly responded with stun gre♏nades and water cannons.

Tho💞usands of Israeli forces were unleashed on the Old City in anticipation of the “day of rage,” which Palestinian factions planned after an estimated 10,000 people protested in the West Bank on Thursday night. Police were on high alert after one Palestinian teenager died and 200 were wounded during the massive overnight demonstrations, the Guardian reportedꦐ.

As the violence raged on in the We๊st Bank and Jerusalem on Friday, Se♔cretary of State John Kerry fought his own battle behind closed doors.

Israel’s security cabinet rejected Kerry’s seven-day truce proposal for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip Friday evening. Soon afꦦter, a US official said that Israel agreed to a 12-hour humanitarian halt on the violence starting at 7 a.m., Reuters reported.

“Gaps have been significantly narrowed,” Kerry said at a Friday press conference in Cairo. “It can be achieved, if we w♐ork through some of the🅷 issues that are important for the parties.”

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told field soldiers to “prepare for t🧸he possibility that will very soon direct the IꦛDF to significantly expand the ground operation in Gaza.”

A government source told the Jerusalem Post that Israel would like to make modifications to Kerry’s proposal before the country co💛mes to a longer-term truce.

Israeli TV reports suggested the security cabinet didn’t agree to the proposal because Israel would have to temper its efforts to destroy str⛎ategically important tunnels built by Hamas.

Israeli airstrikes killed 55 people on Friday, Gaza officials said, bringing the number of Palestinian deaths to 844 after 18 days of bloody battles. Another 35 Israeli soꦛldiers and three Israeli civilians have died during the conflict.

Among those soldiers is Oron Shaul, who was declared dead on Friday after he went m♚issing six days ago following a bloody ambush in the Gaza Strip. His body has not been recovered, the Israeli army announced.

While the violence spread to the West Bank, where at least five Palestinians were killed in separate incidents on Friday, Gaza militants continued lobbing rockets into Israel. Hamas said it fired three rockets📖 at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport — only one day after US carriers and some European airlines started flying there again following a two-day freeze.