
New York’s test scores message: Save our students!

New York’s school leaders are citing “progr𝔍ess” in the state test scores released Thuไrsday.

Yet for most kids now in the public schools, the message is depressing: Even if you graduate, you probably won’t be prepared for c🅺ollege or a job.

Statewide, just 35.8 percent of third- t🔜hrough eighth-graders passed math, up from 31.2 percent. Just 31.4 percent passed English, co🦄mpared to 31.3 percent last year.

Translation: Roughly two out of three kids aren’t cu▨tting it. Among black and Hispanic kids, the failure rat🎶e was even worse.

Yes, there’s some “🐬progress.” But at this rate of improvement, it’s fair to say most of today’s students will be failing for most of the years they ෴are in school.

How can anyone deem that morally acceptabღ💮le? How can officials keep using the same school model, save for some tinkering around the edges, such as universal pre-K?

City Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña actually called Thursday’s scores “wonderful news” (though she admi🥀tted they could be better). Mayor de Blasio called it “a good day” for city schools.

▨A good day? Four out of five black stude🌺nts in the city and about as many Hispanics flunked.

Fact is, Thursday’s scores are a powerful call for radical change. A possible alternative model: the city’s Success Acad✨emy charter schools.

There, 94 percent of kids passed math, and 64 percent, Engl𝄹ish. Even as their students’ demographics are similar to those of all city students.

There may be other models, too.🍃 But one thing’s certain: sticking to government-run schools — where unions dictate much of🌃 the policy and ineffective teachers are rarely fired — is sure to cheat kids.