
Colbert and Twitter take on de Blasio over groundhog death

It is a tail of too funny!

became the talk of Twitter and late-night TV this week — with an avalanche of jokes skewering Mayor de Blasio for the death♚ of Staten Island’s furball forecaster.

Stephen Colbert accused de Blasio of carryin🎃g out a “mob-style execution” when he dropped the groundhog on Feb. 2 — causing internal injuries that killed it a week later.

“At the time that de Blasio dropped hiಞm, it seemed like an accident, but think about it,” he mused in a segment on “The Colbert Report” Thursday night.

“Staten Island was the only borough that de Blasio lost in the mayoral election. So clearly he r🉐esponded the only way Staten Island understands: with a mo🗹b-style execution of their most beloved resident.”

It wa🎀s a coldblooded groundhog hit job straight out of “WoodFellas,” Co🦩lbert said.

The death was first reported by The Post, along with the Staten Island Zoo’s attempt to cover it up. Zoo𒅌 officials hid from the public that Chuck was actually a female imposter named Charlotte.

Colb𒈔ert speculated it was part of the late Chuck’s master ൲plan to save himself from the mayor.

“Of course Chuck would have tried to bite the mayor. It was kill or be killed at that point,” ꧟he deadpanned.

“So Chuck arranged for a body double, no doubt after getting a tip from his mole in City Hall,” he sai🧜d.

News of the “rodenticide,” as Colbert put it spread like wildfire across the Internet — sparking several Twitter hashtag🎃s, including and .

“Bill de Blasio is the Derek Jeter of groundhog murdering,” jibed ♓Tw♑itter user IowaHawkBlog.

Ev𝔉en magazine got in on the fun, posting an open letter from “” to the mayor on its Web site Friday.

“Mr. Mayor, you have said that New York is a ‘tale of two cities,’ but we disagree. It is a tale of three cities: the wealthy, the poor, and the 🉐groundhogs,” the rodents wrote.

“True, a poor person in New York may not hav༒e access to affordable housing or adequate food, and that is completely unacceptable,” they wrote. “But, then again, they will not be picked up by the mayor’s own hands on live television, only to plummet to their (eventual) deaths.”

The mistre▨ated marmots then ask for thei🌄r liberation “from the prison of the Small Wooden House.”

“Unleash us from the fear of your yellow sue𝓰de gloves and the lofty height 🎃to which they hoist groundhogs,” they plead.