
NYPD rookie calls fatal shooting of unarmed man an ‘accident’

A rookie cop working the most dangerous beat ☂in the city killed a man in an unlit housing-project stairwell in Brooklyn — firing off an “accidental” shot that hit a young father in the chest, authorities said Friday.

Akai GurleyFacebook

“It waไs a pitch-bla🔯ck hallway,” Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said of the Thursday-night shooting at East New York’s Louis Pink Houses. “The deceased is a total innocent.”

Officer Peter Liang, 27, who was placed on modified duty while the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau investigates, had set off with his partner, Shaun Landau, on a floor-by-floor swee♛p of the staircase at around 11:15 p.m.

They rode the elevator to the eighth floor and planne💫d to walk up the stairs to the roof before de🐬scending to the lobby.

With his gun in his left hand and a flashlight in his right, Liang entered the sta♔irwell at the same time Akai Gurley, 28, and his girlfriend, Melissa Butler, walked into the same stairwell on the seventh floor.

The stairs🎶 were dark because of a busted light that had been out for three weeks, and Liang was startled by the couple’s presence, sources said. He popꦕped off one round, hitting Gurley in the chest from 10 to 12 feet away.

The scene outside the Pi🌠nk Houses o🥃n Linden Boulevard.Seth Gottfried

A♒ mark on the stairwell wall indicates the bullet may have ricocheted before ✱striking Gurley, police sources said.

The cops — who had spent less than 16 months on the job — retreated back to the eighth-flꦿoor hallway, as Gurley stumbled down to the fifth floor before collapsi🌟ng on the concrete steps.

Butler knocked on the door of a neig൩hbor, who called 911 and advised her how to administer first aid to the wounded Gurley.

“Lay him on his ba🦹ck,🥃” the woman could be heard saying, according to sources. “Breathe into his mouth twice. Pinch his nose. Do chest compressions.”

By the end of the call, the s♑c𒁃ene was flooded with cops.

Gurley’s girlfriend, Melissa Butler, with former city councilman Charles Barron on their way to the 75th Precinct station.Paul Martinka

“There’s a lot👍 of cops her𒐪e,” the neighbor told the dispatcher, according to sources. “I think the cops shot him.”

Liang and his partner eventually headed down to the fifඣth floor to investigate, Bra෴tton said.

The devastated officer later told cops it was an “accidental shooting,” a꧙ source said.

Butler was furious at the cops.

“They didn’𒐪t present themselves or nothing and shot him,” Butler told DNAinfo.🌺com.

“As soon as he came in, the 🅠police opened the [door to the] eighth-floor staircase. They didn’t identify themselves at all. They just shot.”

Nyshae Dubarry, 25, who lives on the sixth floor, saᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚid she heard “a loud pow” and saw Gurley’s body in the building’s lobby a little while later.

“We saw his body on the stretcher. [EMS] were working on him in the elevator,” she said. “They were pushing his ꦇchest, but he was already dead. He didn’t move. He didn’t even blink. He had a hole in his chest. He only had his boxers on.”

Seth Gottfried
Gurley, who has a 2-year-old daughter, was taken to Brookdale Hospital and pronounc🦩ed dead on arrival, authorities s🍸aid.

Butler, who had braided Gurley’s hair in her apartment before the🍸y♊ headed out that night, was traumatized by the shooting, her mother told The Post.

“She keeps crying,” said Naomi Bu❀tler. “She’s very upset. She saw everything.

“Police shot him, and we don’t know why. He doesn’t carry ဣany firearms. He was just going back home. They were taking the stairs. He’s𒁃 a nice man.”

Paul Martinka
Bratton called the “accident” a tragedy and blamed it on the🦩 poorly lit stairwell.

“As the officers were entering the eighth-floor landing, the 🌊lights were not operable,” he said. “Everything points to accidental discharge.”

A neighbor on the eighth floor, Angela Tucker, said a broken light in that section of the stair▨well had been neglected for three weeks and “with that door clo♋sed, you can’t even see in the staircase.”

A maintenance man was seen replacing the l✤ight on Friday mornin𝕴g.

Speaking ꩲat a Lehman College event in The Bronx, M🍰ayor

de Blasio sa⛄id Gurley’s shooting would be probed thoroughly.

🍨“There’s going to be a full ­investigation, to say the least,” he said. “This is a tragic situation — that’s the bottom line. This is a tragedy. A life was lost, and my heart goes out to the family.”

Seth Gottfried
De Blasio s🙈aid Liang had been stripped of his gun and badge after being put on m🤡odified duty.

“On a very human level, we lost a life today,” the mayor concluded. “But it does appear to have been a very trag🃏ic accident.”

A law-enforcement source said “it doesn’t look good for” Liang, who is still within tꦍhe probationary period as a rookie cop.

ꦅThe civil-rights bureau of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office is investigating the shooting to decide whether to prไesent the evidence to a grand jury.

Liang’s neighbor, Ronald Chan, 24, defe🅺nded the c💞op’s actions and said he was as ­“always willing to help people.”

“It is dangerous,” he said of police work.ཧ “You never know what’s ­going to happ♑en.”

Liang and his partner j🌃oined the force in July 2013 and had been part of a specialized overtime ­detail specific༒ally assigned to the violence-plagued Pink Houses ­after a recent spate of crimes.

Gurley — who has a 2-year-old daughter and a young stepdaughterဣ — lived in Red Hook with his domestic 𒉰partner Kimberly Ballinger and the two girls.

Bratton, de Blasio, and the mayor’s wife Chirlane McဣCray visited the Red Hook homeꦇ Friday night to hug and console Ballinger.

Additional reporting by Shawn Cohen, Natasha Velez, Ben ­Feuerherd, Yoav Gonen and Kirstan Conley