
Undercover agent says Malcolm Smith knew of bribery scheme

A federal agent who went undercover as a wealthy businessman for the gove🐠rnment’s case against former state Sen. Malcolm Smith testified Wednesday that the disgraced polit💞ician was well aware he was participating in a $200,000 bribery scheme to buy his way onto the GOP mayoral line.

During the White Plains 🔯federal corruption trial of Queens Democrat Smith and former county GOP Vice Chair Vincent Tabone, the agent, kn𒁏own to the jury as “Raj,” said that after some of the alleged bribes were paid out, Smith “was frustrated that he had not yet received” the Republican line in the 2013 mayoral election.

“Mr🍸. Smith suggested I not pay any more money until he got the [line] and [the Republicans] threw their full support behind him.”

To get on ꦉthe GOP line, Smith needed the support of three of the five borougꦏh Republican committees.

Queens was allegedly secured through Tabone and 🌟The Bronx thr🌼ough former Bronx GOP Chairman Joseph “Jay” Savino, who copped a plea deal in the case.

The agent alsꦏo said he met with Smith several times in 2012 and 2013 to update him on the bribery scheme, tell him “how much money would be required” and to secure his blessing to move ahead.

Smith, the feds say, turned to Moses Stern — a crooked Rockland County developer turned federal witnessও — and Raj for money and help pulling off the botched scheme.

In return, Smith allegedly promised them $500,000 in transportation funds for a project in Spring Valley.
Smith claims he’s a ­victim of entrapment.

Savino copped a plea in November 2013 to accepting a $15,000✨ bribe.

Smith faces up to 45 years in pr🍃ison, and Tabone faces up to 30 years.