US News

ISIS prisoners caged like animals in chilling new video

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In a new video released by ISIS, the terror group parades Peshmerga fighters in cages through Kirkuk.

Chilling new video released by ISIS shows 21 Kurdish hostages being paraded in cages through the crowded streets of Iraq as countles🎶s residents and masked jihadis greet them with cheers.

Dressed in the usual orange jumpsuits worn by Islamic State prisoners, the captives are ferried on the backs of🎐 pickup trucks through a raucous town square surrounded by concrete walls before they are interviewed by their captors, .

A bearded man in a white turban and holding a microphone appears on camera and begins to ask each shackled prisoner a series of questions. Once his “interview” is finished, militants take them out of their cages and place each person on their knees, while masked men brandishing automatic weapons or pistols stand over them as the screen goes black.

The man also warns that the Peshmerga should end their recent campaign against t🔯he Islamic State as the two have been engaged in ruthless battles for the control of Kirkuk provinceꩵ.

While the date and location are not specifie♛d, the video was filmed a week ago in t﷽he main market of Hawijia, around 30 miles from Kirkuk, Kurdish sources told AFP.

In tot✤al, 16 Peshmerga fighters, two Iraqi army officers and three policemen from Kirkuk — a city about 150 miles north of Baghdad — are believed to be featured in the 9-minute video, which does not actually contain any explicit threats to the captives.

The hostages had been captured Jan. 31 “when Kurdish fighters repelled a terrorist attack by (ISIS) targeting Kirkuk,” Peshmerga commander Gen. Hiyowa Rash told AFP.

But additional images edited into the footage showing barbaric ISIS executions from the past — including the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians and the brutal killing of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kaseasbeh — could be a horrifying warning of thing🦹s to come.