
Woman loses half of her border-straddling home in tax snafu

A woman whose home sits on the border of New York and Connecticut was stunned to learn her neighbor 𝕴owns half of her abode — because her bank failed to pay property taxes on the New York side, she told The Post.

Rosanne 𝓀Di Guilio’s kitchen, living room and porch now belong to her neighbor Alethea Jacob, 52, who snatched up .2 acres of the half-acre plot for $275 at a countಌy auction after it went into foreclosure in 2010.

“It’s sickening. She’s an opportunist. How do you sleep when you do something like this?” said Di Guilio, a 52-year-old electrical contractor who lives in Brewster, NY, or New Fairfield, Conn., depending on which side oꦺf the house she’s on.

Rosanne Di Guilio’s survey blueprints show the the dividing line between Patternson, New York and New Fairfield, Connecticut.Douglas Healey

Di Guilio, who is fighting the foreclos🌌ure in court, said Jacob demanded $150,000 when she tried to buy back the house after she learned of the tax snafu in 2013.

She insists Jacob schemed for access to her property to avoid fixing her🏅 own leaky septic tank𝓡.

“I believe she bought it to be🐎 able to use [my] septic. It would be thousands of dollars to fix her own,” fu🍃med Di Guilio, who has owned the home since 1997.

Jacobs e♕ven pushed to have♐ city officials tap the septic tank on her “new property” in 2012 but didn’t succeed, she said.

“She knows it’s not her house. I spent all this money taking care of half the house she thinks ไshe owns?”ꦓ Di Guilio blasted.

Jacobꦫ may own half of the home, but she hasn’t pai❀d Di Guilio a cent of the homeowners’ insurance she’s been paying, Di Guilio said.

She also didn’t pitch in when Di Guilio hired a service to clean🌞 up the N🃏ew York-side yard after trees fell during a storm in October 2011, she said.

The ordeal began after Di Guilio refinanced her mortgage in 2004 and JPMorgan Chase put New York tax money into an escrow account but never paid the bill a🎉nd later sold it to the loan-service firm Seterus Inc., Di Guilio claims.

That left Di Guilio’s pꦺroperty taxes of roughly $200 per year unpaid from 2004 to 2010, leading to foreclosure.

Rosanne Di GuilioDouglas Healey

But Di Guilio insisted she never got notices in either of her two mailboxes — neith🅘er the functional one in New Fairfield nor the seale💦d one in Brewster.

“Supposedly, there was a 𒁏yellow notice on a tree. None of my other neighbors saw this notice. She was the only one wh🎀o saw it — and the only one who bid [on the house],” Di Guilio said.

In May 2013, she finally le🍨arned her land had been yanked away after she tried to build a shed near Jacob’s property line, she said.

“I thought, ‘This is absolutely crazy. How could this have happened?’ I was comple😼tely baffled,” she said.

Di Guilio still owns two bedrooms on the Connecticut side of the home, she said. Along with half the house, sever♔al trees and plants on the New York side belong to Jacob.

Chase will take responsibility for the c✨ost Di Guilio will have to pay to buy ba💦ck the property, she said.

Jacob and the bank are still negotiating a price.

Jacob couldn’t be reached for comment 🤪at her home Saturday. Her lawyer, Michael Caruso, didn’t return requests for comment.