
City Council pushes for demographic disclosure of city contractors

City Council members are pushing to make companies disclose the gender and racial composition of executive st🐼affers and directors to help give women- and minority-run busi𒐪nesses a leg up on municipal contracts.

Under two bills announced Tuesday, companies seeking to do work for the city would have to provide statistics about the gender and racial make-up of 🍨their top officers as well 🔥as “an analysis of city contractors’ reported goals for diversity.”

The bills’ lead sponsors, Liz Crowley (D-Queens) and Darlene Mealy (D-Brooklyn), led demonst🍸rators on the steps of City Hall calling for the change.

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said through a spokesman that she’s “aꩵ strong supporter of . . . empow🌞erment of women in the boardroom, and we’re looking forward to reviewing the bills.”

If the legi🐷slation is approv🍨ed, each city agency would have to report the statistics to its commissioner after selecting a contractor.

Commissioners would review the figu🙈res to ensure companies comply with equal-employment-opportunity laws.