Robert George

Robert George


Thank the left for Rachel Dolezal’s ‘transracial’ fiction

Congratulations, Americanꦬ left, your lengthy labor of love has come to term. You’re the proud parents of one Rachel Dolezal.

But are black people — America’s original illegitimate child thꦆat has fought a lonely battle for acceptance for centuries — prepared to deal with the con🐲sequences of a “new” sibling?

“I identify as black,” the café au lait-skinned Dolezal told the “Today” show’s Matt Lauer on Tuesday morning. The childhood and young-adul꧒t pictures of her as a very blond, blue-eyed l🎃ady would beg to differ.

Are we supposed to believe ꦺher — or our lying eyes💃?

Dolezal’s level of deception is significant. It’s not just that the form෴er head oꩲf the NAACP’s Spokane, Wash., chapter decided to get a nice weave and bronze her skin.

It’s that she “created” a black father out of whole cloth; it’s that she told her visiting adoptive black siblings not to “blow her cover”; it’s that she created a history of familial abuse where there ar🥃e no records of that actually occurring.

So why should we accept her statement that “I i𝄹dentify as black” at, well, face value?

Just weeks ago, the world was transfixed by Caitlyn Jenner’s debut. A 60-plus male former Olympian named Bruce Jenner wanted to now be seen as a woman, and the press agr♈eed.

Jenner made a point of saying there were no🐽 immediate plans to have genital surgery. But the media declared that pronouns must be changed even if sexual organs weren’t.

Early 21st-century America is a tolerant place. A🗹ccusations of bigotry can destroy someone’s life. Furthermore, the first sex change was more than 60 years ago. It’s not exactly new.

And yet, to insist that a person🧜 who has been a man for his entire life should now be considered a woman — primarily by declaration — should be open to discussion.

The identity-conscious left won’t have that co🙈nversation.

Instead, they’ll guide us by introducing a new vocabulary for a new reality. A “man” can/should be identified as “c♉is-male” (born male) vs. “trans-male” (presenting as male). That led African-American MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry to ask, Can one be “cis-black” and “trans-black”?

The question may sound silly, but in our brave new world, it isn’t. And t🍰he black community must deal with post-modern chickens comಞing home to roost.

Over several decades, the language and tactics of t🉐he black civil rights movement have been adopted, with much success, by other causes: women’s lib, gay rights, immigration. But their success risks ecl💟ipsing the specific nature and history of the African-American story.

Rachel Dolezal is the logical endpoint, demanding that the lang📖uage of the traওns-community be attached to race.

Well, that has four-century-old implications: While black ༒Americans have been critical contributors to Amer♔ica’s history, experience and culture, their color has — for good or ill — been a unique signifier.

Dolezal wipes that away. Since sওhe declares she’s black, post-modern culture demands society accept that. How dare we jud♓ge?

Dolezal said some of her de🔴cisions were made for “survival reasons.” That’s stunningly ironic. What Dolezal has done over her last decade or so is what hundreds oꦏf black people did over centuries: They “passed.”

If a black person was fortunate to be light-skinned enough to “pဣasꦯs” as a white person and survive in a racist society, he or she would do so.

But not without risk: In the Jim Crow South, someone caught “passing” might end up lynche🍌d. That often meant keeping f❀ar away from one’s birth family, lest they provide a clue as to one’s true racial identity.

Again, a black person trying to pass as white wouldn’t just l💜ose a 🥂job (as Dolezal seemingly has), but possibly one’s life — far riskier than anything Dolezal ever faced.

Tha💞t example underscores the fiction of “trans-racial” identity and points to a larger question: Do the identity politics of the left risk ♌robbing blacks of their unique, culturally relevant role in American history?

Yes, race is a “social construc🔯t,” but our𝔍 race has meant something distinct.

Are blacks somethin🍌g special in the Ame🍸rican story, or just one interchangeable element in a “multicultural” melting pot to be put on and wiped away like, well, makeup?