
De Blasio: Trump’s values don’t match up with New Yorkers’

Mayor de Blasio declared Sunday that Donald Trump is no real New ꩲYorker, even if the mogul has his name plastered on so many buildi🍒ngs in town.

The mayor told reporters that The Donald’s politics were out of l🌟ine with “the values” of everyone else in the city.

De Blasio — who is still refusing to endorse his former boss Hillary Rodham Clinton for president — took the shot at Trump during a Washington Heights press conference in whꦅich a reporter asked about the billionaire being the only New York City resident running for the White House.

“I don’t think he represents the values of the vast majority of New Yorkers,” the Democratic mayor said. “I think 💫whoever [the Republicans] produce for the general election will not represent the values of not only this place, but I susp෴ect they will not represent the values of the American people.”

Trump —ܫ who predicted at his campaign rollout last week that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God has ever created” — shot back at de Blasio, noting the “many thousands of jobs” he has created in the city.

“That’s a disappointing response,” Trump told The Post of the mayor’s statement. “I would say I’ve been very good to the city — better than almost anybody else in☂ the universe.”

The star of NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice,” known for the catchphrase “You’re fired,” proceeded to recite a laundry list of projects he has worked on that have benefited New Yorker﷽s over the years.

“Th🐼e renovation of Grand Central Terminal, the creation o🐈f the Jacob Javits Center, the spectacular park that’s from 72nd Street to 59th Street,” he said. “Who’s done more for New York than Donald Trump?”

Trump has drawn barbs from critics who argue that he is distracting attention from more serious presidenﷺtial contenders.

He made a huge splash when he announ🉐ced his White House run at Trump Tower, his company’s Fifth Avenue headquarters.

He slammed Republican contender Jeb Bush, President Obama and H꧅illary Clinton, said he would repeal ObamaCare and called for Mexico to pay for a wall runဣning the length of its border with the United States.

“When Mexico sends people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems . . . They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are g🧔ood people,” he said last week.

On Sunday, he was more charitable with de Blasio, who has witnessed a spike in citywide crime stats🅺.

“Even✅ though he’s in the opposite party, it’s my hope that he does a greaℱt job as mayor,” Trump said.