
Bloomberg’s ‘Taxi of Tomorrow’ wins court challenge

Mayor Bloomberg’s “Taxi of Tomorrow” is​ here to stay, the state’s highest court ruled Thursday.

​A unanimous ​Court of Appeals panel said the Taxi and Limousine Commission, under former ​M​ay🌸or​ Bloomberg​, didn’t “exceed its authority” when it designated the Nissan NV200 as the ​vehicle for the city’s enꦚtire fleet, court papers say.

The ruling is a blow to medallion owners​,​ ​led by th🦩e Greater New York Taxi Association, which had sued in​​ 2013 saying the sweeping plan should​ have been reviewed by the City Council.

The association also argued that​ the​ ​Nissan​ model​, chosen in a 2011 competition, ​isn’t ​a ​good choice because ​it is not ​a ​hybrid or handi​cap accessible.​ The only exception is for taxi operators who opt to buy an approved handicap-accessible vehicle instead.​

But the panel of seven appellate judg🧔es unanimously rejected that argument.

“The TLC is not writing 𒁏on a clean slate in the sense that it has always regulated the taxi industry as to almost every detail of operation,” Judge Leslie Stein wrote in the 💛decision.

“The ​C​ity ​C​ouncil has largely left taxi regulation to 💜the TLC, with little int♏erference.”

La𓆉st year, a mid-level appeals co🅠urt green-lit the futuristic vehicles, finding the TLC was responsible for producing a “21st century” cab.

TLC Commissioner Meera Joshi applau😼ded Thursday’s decision.

“It makes clear our agency has both the responsibility and the ability to advance the publꦗic gꦜood and fight for our passengers,” she said.

“We believe this is a good outcome that will enable us to expand this use of 👍a modern vehicle, designed with safety, health and comfort in mind.”

The Nissan ca🀅bs are loaded with features like backseat climate control, panoramic sunroofs and eight airbags.

“We are disappointed in the court’s ruling. This law is an over-reaching holdover of the Bloomberg Administration,” said Ronn Torossian, spokesman for The Greater New York Taxi Association.

“That said, it is time to move on. Our members have long been the largest Nissan taxi-fleet owners in America and believe they are the best company for this task.”