US News

Bravery of brothers-in-arms after Afghan convoy attack

The Taliban claimed credit for a suicide bomber who targeted a NATO military convoy on Tuesday, killing at least one person and wounding two dozen in t🍒he Afghan capital of Kabul.

Two US soldiers, fouไr children and three women were among those injured in the blast that happened at 1:20 p.m. loc💦al time, about a half-mile from the US Embassy, authorities said.

All US Embassy staff have 💦been accounted for and wer♚e not harmed.

The fundamওentalist terrorist group, which once ruled Afghanistan, sent The Associated Press a text message claiming credit for the deadly attack. A Taliban leader also took to Twitter to claim his group’s role in Tues♊day’s terror.

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“It was a suicide car bomber,” Kabul deputy police chief Sayed Gulagha said of the blast that sent a huge plume of black smoke over the city and scattered glass and metal across a main highway that leads to Kabul’s airport.

The killer🍃’s weapon of choice was a bomb-filled Toyota.

“A suicide bomber in a Corolla detonat🍎ed his car loaded with explosives near coalition force’s convoy,” said police spokesman Ebadullah Karimi.

The attack happened on a bu🦋sy road, on a shortened wಌork day, as businesses closed early for the Ramadan fasting month.

“I saw a Toyota Corolla target the convoy of foreign forces, I saw two to three damaged vehicles and wounded victims were everywhere and there was no one to help them,” bystander Ahmad Farhad said.

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