US News

Obama aides knew Hillary was using private email in 2009

WASHINGTON — Top aides in the Obama White House knew Hillary Rodham Clint🐷on had a private email account as secretary of state, according to newly revealed correspondence that shows administration officials requested her personal address atꦕ the beginning of her tenure.

As early as June 2009, Obama’s๊ top political adviser, David Axelrod, asked for Clinton’s private address, which he received. Clinton also gave her home email account to Obama’s then-chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.

The revelations come from about 3,000 pages of Clinton emails — out of some 55,000 — released by the State Department on✱ Tuesday.

It’s unclear whether top Obama officials knew Clinton had a home-brew server out of her Chappaqua 𓂃home.

Axelrod has previously told MSNBC that he “didn’t know” about Clinton’s email serv🥃er. A𒐪t the very least, he knew the best way to reach Clinton was via her personal account.

On June 8, 2009, top Clinton aide Ch𒊎eryl Mills emailed her boss, “Axelrod wants your email —ꦡ remind me to discuss with you if I forget.”

Clinton responded, “Can you send to him or do you🐬 want me to?”

In September 2009, Emanuel🧔 asked for the ­email address, and got it.

The latest email ཧexchang🍬es reveal how closely Clinton and her staff evaluated her performance on TV.

On July 26, 2009, a Clinton aide praised her for her “perfect” interview on “Meet the Press” and for “especially saving [Veep Joe] Biden” from com♉ments about Russia.

In a Nov. 5, 2009, email to an aide, Clinton said she wanted the Washington Post 𝓡to correct an article on Page A8 on her campai🦋gn spending that was “so misleading.” She asked, “Can you get correction somewhere?”

Clinton’s emails s🌼how a range of people with whom she was in contact as the top US diplomat.

Former President Jimmy Cart🌞er emailed on July 11, 2009, about a proposed visit to North Korea: “Hillary: As I explained to you on the phone, I don’t think it is appropriate to tell them that I will come only if they agree in advance to release the [two imprisoned] women [journalists].”

In the end, Bill Clinto⛄🔜n made the trip and secured their release.