
College leaders’ pathetic appeasement of campus fascists

Angry mobs have roile🅺d more than three dozen American campuses in recent weeks, disrupting student life with long lists of demands — with no end in sight.

Inde🍌ed, it’s sure to keep up as long as cowardly university “leaders” keep kowtowing to the campu🎃s fascists.

  • At Missouri, mobs alleging insufficient attention to supposed racial incidents forced the resignations of the school’s president and chancellor. The protesters are now demanding racial hiring quotas and — surprise — more funding.
  • Yale President Peter Salovey, saying student protests had left him “moved, challenged and encouraged,” announced the creation of a new center for “exciting scholarship” on “race, ethnicity and other aspects of society” and pledged $50 million to “enhance campus diversity.”
  • Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber, also caving to mob demands, agreed to begin a process to consider removing former President Woodrow Wilson’s name from campus and to enhance cultural sensitivity training for faculty.
  • A student gang rampaged through the Dartmouth library, disrupting studies and shouting expletive-laced racial insults. The vice provost for student affairs apologized — to the protesters, for the “conservative world out there that’s not being very nice.”

Time ♔after time, university officials moved to ap🍸pease the extremists — giving in to demands and refusing to even condemn the radicals’ attempts to suppress opposing views.

Sorely lacking being heard are voices like Purdue’s Mitch Daniels🌺, a campus president who reaffirmed a commitment to “academic freedom and individual liberty” and drew a sharp contrast to Yale and Missouri.

Cravenly plac💮ating fascist mobs who shout down any effort at genuine dialogue will itself degrade campus life.

And without buying even temporary peace. The appꦓeasement is guaranteed to encourage more 🗹protests — and increasingly extreme demands.