
Charles Koch, disgusted with GOP, won’t rule out backing Hillary

WASHINGTON — Staunch conservative billionaire Charles Koch is so disgusted by the GOP presidential field th🤡at he won’t spend a cen🔴t on any of the remaining contenders — and won’t even rule out supporting Hillary Clinton for commander in chief.

“We would have to believe her actions would be quite different t♔han her rhetoric, let me put it that way,” Koch on Sunday.

Koch, who along with his brother David have spent millions of dollars backing a🍸n array of GOP candidates and causes, said Bill Clinton did a better job than George W. Bush in controlling government growth while president.

“So is it possible another Clinton could be better than another Republican?” ABC’s Jonathan K𝕴arl asked.

“It’s possible,” Koch said.

Koch, 80, the CEO of Koch Indu🔥stries, and brother David have so far refused to join the GOP’s “Never Trump” campaign, but not because he supports the tycoon’s nomination — rather, he’s disgusted by them all.

“You’re role models and you’re terrible role models𝓡. So how — I don’t know how we cꦓould support them,” Koch said.

He specifically took i🔴ssue with Donald Trump’s call to temporarily ban Muslims from immigrating to the US and for Muslims already here to register with the g🐼overnment.

“Well, obviously that’s antithetical to our approach, but what was worse was𒐪 this we’ll have them all register,” Koch said.

“That’s reminiscent of Nazi Germany. I mean, that’s monstrous as I said at🐻 the time.”

And he was also uncomfortable with Ted C𒉰ruz’s plans to carpet bomb the Middle E🦹ast to destroy ISIS.

“Well, that’s gotta be hyperbole, but I mean that a candidate, whether they believe it or not, would think that appeals to the American people🌸,” he said. “This is frightening.”

In the rare interview from his company’s Wichita headquarters, Koch, sounded a lot like Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders, decrying a tax code that drastically favors the 1 🦂percent — like himself.

“Because we have this corporate welfare that benefits establish💜🌌ed companies and makes it very difficult for somebody to get started,” he said.

The Republican doctrine to cut taxes everywhere migꦚht not be the best public policy, the famed conservativ♛e said.

“I can see why they say, ‘Well, there’s a tax break over here, we need one here.’ Well that’s the wrong attitude, we got to get rid of all of them,” Ko🧔ch said.

“I don’t hearဣ any of the Republican candidates talking about🌃 this two-tiered system and getting rid of it. So that’s why we haven’t supported any of them.”

Koch said Bill Clinton was 🐻a better president in “some ways” than George W. Bush on spending and admitted “it’s possible” another Clinton would be better than the GOP nominee.

Through the ca﷽mpaign arm of their Koch Industries, the Koch brothers have pumped hundreds and millions into past election cycles to elect Republicans at all levels causing Democratic leaders to demonize them and Minority Leader Harry Reid to brand them as “un-American.”

“I’ve gotten a lot of abuse out of it,” Koch ad🌸mitted for his po𓃲litical activities.

A rep for Charles Koch’s brother, David Koch, couldn’t be immedia🧸tely reached for commౠent on Sunday.

David Koch has previously said he and Charles are not always inꦜ lock step — with David taki♕ng more liberal stances on social issues.

David Koch has voiced support for abortion rights and marriage equality.

Additional reporting by David K. Li in New York