
Hondo’s Jay talking

The Bosawx yukked it up in Toronto on Friday night, which sent Hondo laughing all the way to the banඣk as he made a deposit ✅that grew his account to 3,888 hentgens.

Saturday: Mr. Aiꦆtch will switch dugouts and tap Hap🦂p to slap the Sawx — 20 units on the Blue Jays.

Linebacker Brandon Marshall of the Broncos was shown kneeling during the national anthem Thursday night at Mile High Stadium. It was unclear, however, whether he was Kaepernicking or Tebowing. … Hillary Clinton claims ISIS wants Donald Trump to become President because his rhetoric will help with recruitment efforts. Actually, word is the terror group would prefer a Pantsuit presidency because she has proven herself to be “extremely careless” with classified information.