US News

Hillary wants to hike ‘death tax’ on rich to 65 percent

Hillary Clinton has discovered a way to 🍒help pay for her plan to simplify taxes for small businesses and grow the child tax credit: Tax the rich even more.

She rolled out a revised plan Thursday that would increase the top tax rate on the wealthiest estates to 65 percent. She previously had proposed a top “death tax” rate of 45 per🃏cent.

The Clinton campaign calculates the change would yield $260 billion in ex❀tra revenue over the next decade.

That woul🥂d boost the expected revenue from Clinton’🌌s tax increases to $1.5 trillion in the next 10 years.

Under the new proposal, estates for individuals above $10 million would ♓pay 50 percent, estates over $50 million would pay 55 percent, and those with assets above $500 million would get socked with a 65 percent tax.

If enact♎ed, it would be the highest estate tax since 1981. The current top rate is 40 percent.

“A progressive estate▨ tax on the wealthiest 0.2% of Americans is the fairest way to reduce wealth inequality and invest in working families,” former Clinton rival .

Donald Trump’s campaign spokesman Jason Miller responded by saying, “ꦦIt is the height of hypocrisy for Hillary Clinton to offer♔ an even more dramatic hike in the death tax at the same time she uses exotic tax loopholes reserved for the very wealthy to exempt her Chappaqua estate.”