
Joe and Mika say Trump is too easily played

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski responded Friday to Presi♚dent Trump’s deeply personal attack on Twitter by assailing his “fragile” 🌺and “easily played ego” — saying she was worr♛ied for the United States.

“I’m fine,” Brzezinski said alongside co-host and fiancé Joe Scarborough on “Morning Joe.” “My family brought me up really tough. This is absolut🍷ely nothing for me personally.

“But I’m very concerned about what this once again reveals about the president of the United States,” she said. “The president’s tweets, whether they’re personally aimed at me, that doesn’t bother me one bit. It does worry me about t💝he country.”

The couple had pl🌞anned to go on vacation Friday but postponed their trip to appear on the air and respond to Trump’s vicious Thursday morning tweet𒅌s.

“I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy🎶 Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was ⛄bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!” Trump wrote, sparking a bipartisan backlash.

Scarborough 𝕴also expressed his concern for the country.

“The president of the United States, as bad aﷺs he’s been in the past, really hasn’t gone over the cliff,” he said. “Unfort🅺unately, we’ve learned what we always learned — that for some reason he takes things so much more personally with women. He’s so much more vicious with women.”

He said it is “always personal” with his co-host, citing the two tw𒀰eet🐓s from Thursday.

“He packed about five lies in two tw🌳eets,” he said. “It was very productive to pack five lies in two tweets. He attacks women because he ꦛfears women.”

Brzezinski brushed aside the personal attack.

“My father just passed away, my mother had two heart attacks, my daugh🍸ter lost a friend. Those are the things I worry about,” she said. “The ♊president’s tweet — that doesn’t worry me one bit. It worries me about the country.”

“He appears to have a frag💯ile, impetuous, childlike ego that we’ve seen over and over again, especially with women. It’s like he can’t take it,” she said.

Brzezinski also brought up how the duo had poked fun at Trump 🐲over a Washington Post report that he had fake Time magazine covers of himself hung at some of his golf clubs.

“We were having fun with t൲he Time covers because it was hilarious,” she said. “I knew the president would be tweaked by that. It’s unbelievable alarming that this president is so easily played by a ca✱ble news host. What is that saying to our allies? What is that saying to our enemies?”

The couple also responded ෴to Trump’s attack in an op-ed .