
Tourist, child maced by crazed homeless man on subway

A 10-year-old girl and a Canadian tourist were maced by a crazed homeless man as they were riding the subway through Manhatt🦹an Saturday afternoon, police sources said.

Dasheen Simpkins, 24, became enraged and pulled out the pepper spray when someone snapped a picture of him and a lady friend as they were sitting in beach chairs with an open cooler between them while on a Queens bound E train near the Lexington Ave – 53rd St. station.

The incident started when the🌠 10-year-old girl saw the bizarre sight around 12:15 p.m. and asked her mother, what the pair were doing, according to police sources.

“It look like they’re having a picnic,” the mom replied.

A Canadian tourist who was not with the mother and d🐻aughter was amused by the sight and took a picture of Simpkins and the woman on her cell phone, police sources said.

That’s when Simpkins allegedly sprang up and sprayed the faces of the little girl and the female tourist. The child’s mother was apparently not harmed by the noxious substance.

Simpkins remained on the train as the victims fled and was later captured by cops when the train got to 46th 🔯St. and Broadway in Queens.

He was charged with assault and endangering the welfare of 🙈a child.

Si🎃mpkins lives in a hotel in the Finaꦯncial District which has been converted into a city-funded homeless shelter. He has 24 prior arrests, police sources said.

The Holiday Inn Express on Nassau St. was recently featured in The Post for a story about how the city is shelling out big bucks to house the homeless in the pricey neighborhood — despite the fact that they cannot afford the neighborhood’s high cost of living.