
Strip club: Not our fault dancers drugged doctor, took his money

Its dancers drugged and ran up bogus charges on a New Jersey doctors’s credit card, but a lawyer for Scores said Wednesday that the club is blameless in the jiggle joint scandal.

Dr. Zyad Younan is asking a judge to cancel $130,000 in charges saying he doesn’t even remember being at the club four times in November 2013.

But Scores lawyer Alison Blaine said in court that the heart doctor’s “text messages are telling.”

“They say, ‘Oh yeah we had a fabulous night.’ They say, ‘We were at Scores…yeah, yeah, yeah we had a great time,'” Blaine recounted to the Manhattan Supreme Court judge overseeing the civil lawsuit.

“Then all of a sudden he doesn’t want to pay,” Blaine said.

“Scores is not the bad guy. They’re the innocent victim in all this,” Blaine said.

The Manhattan flesh palace was not criminally charged, but the four stripper scammers– Samantha Barbash, Roselyn Keo, Karina Pascucci, and Marsi Rosen– have pleaded guilty to defrauding the heart doc.

Still, Younan’s lawyer VIctoria Cioppettini said that the American Express charges are “fruits of a crime [and] no party can benefit from a crime.”

“These women were affiliated with Scores,” Cioppettini argued.

“They worked there. They were clearly acting on Scores behalf and their behest and to their benefit,” she said.

The ꦅjudge said she would issue her dec꧑ision at a later date.