
De Blasio’s newest city agency: Office of Nightlife

The City That Never Sleeps meets the Government That Alwa✃ys Grows.

Mayor de Blasio went to a funky Brooklyn nightclub Tuesday night to sign a bill creating a🃏 new cit✨y agency — the Office of Nightlife, which is supposed to oversee clubs and cabarets.

Despite the presence of community boards and the city’s own Department of Small Business Services, the ওmayor believes another layer of government is needed to deal with quality-of-life issues and to help keep struggling clubs from going under.

“It’s pretty shocking — one in five small businesse🅠s have been lost in the last couple of decades in New York City,” said de Blasio during a festive bill♐ signing event at the House of YES in Bushwick featuring legendary punk rock drummer Marky Ramone of The Ramones.

“And one of the big reasons was it was hard to navigate the rules and restrictions that in so many cases went too far.”

The bill, which de Blasio signed at the House of Y🍒es in Bushwick, will add two new staffers to a municipal workforce that already tops a record 322,000.

The Office 🍃of 𒅌Nightlife will have an annual budget of $407,000 — including $370,000 to pay a yet-to-be-named director and deputy.

They will work ♌with a 12-person Nightlife Advisory Board to help clubs navigate the approval process for licenses and permits, review neighborhood complaints, make policy recommendations, and advise City Hall on trends impacting the industry.

Eight of 🌸those boardไ members will be appointed by the City Council speaker and four by the mayor. They will each serve a two-year term.

Councilman Rafael Espinal, the bill’s lead sponsor, said he pushꦅed for the legislation because some community boards are too quick to take steps to put nightclubs out of business after receiving complaints.

“If we’re going to re🎀main the City That Never Sleeps, we need this,” Esp🉐inal told The Post. “The new office is a going to serve as a bridge between the nightlife establishments, residents and government.”

“We’re talking about a $10 billion industry in New York with 10💦0,000 employees, so a few hundred thous𒊎and dollars is a drop in the bucket. The funding for the new office will easily pay for itself.”

He said the office is modeled after a similar program in Amsterdam, Holland, that help꧟ed reduce quality-of-life complaints and crime by nearly 30 percent.

But members o🌠f Manhattan Community Board 3, which represents the n🥂ightlife hotbed of the East Village, say they’re concerned the new office and advisory board will cater to the club industry.

The board passed a resolution in July ripping the bill, saying, “Community boards are generally the front line in receiving complaints resulting from nightlife establishments🍷 and work wit♋h city agencies” to address them.

More than 20 ♉percent of the city’s smaller music venues have closed in the past 15 years amid noise complaints, skyrocketing real-estate prices and licensing issues, acc꧟ording to the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment.