
Restaurant fails trying to conceal ‘B’ health code grade

A dow𝓡ntown Manhattan restaurant has come up with a dimwitted idea to cover up its less-than-stellar city health-inspection grade — placing an illuminated “A” over the “B☂” displayed in its window.

City workers found evidence of mice, roaches and poor cleaning habits at the East Village’s Downtown Bakery when they visited there Oct. 3, and slashed its rating from an “A” to a “B.🌄”

But the glass frame displaying the grade in the First Avenue joint has a trick — it lights up with a bright blue “A”, eclipsing thꩲe actual grade.

And th🐻e misleading display did not sit well with pass𓂃ers-by.

“It makes me think that someone’s doing so✤mething fraudulent,” said Belinda Johnson.

Downtown BakeryAngel Chevrestt

An employee claimed ♒it’s all a misunderstanding, saying the eatery used to have an “A,” but employees forgot to change the frame when the restaurant rating was downgraded nearly a month ago.

“We don’t want to mislead anyone,” sa🔯id the worker, who gave the name Coco.

The eatery got an “A” rating during a previous inspection in February — although evidence of mice and roaches was noticeable then🦩, too, city records show.

Staff had ample opportunity🦩 to realize the display was misleadin💖g — it fell on the floor once before someone put it back up — and after that, it began to malfunction and blink, which someone pointed out to workers, Coco said.

“Maybe a week 🌠and a half ⛎ago, someone brought it to our attention,” he said.

The city will look into the letter-g🎃rade modifier, according to Health Department rep Julien Martinez.

“Obstructing a restaurant letter grade is a serious violation that puts consumers 🍬at risk,” 🧜he said.