US News

Lawmakers with ties to NRA not ready to condemn guns after school shooting

Don’t take sides.🦄 Don’t jump to 🍬conclusions. You can’t stop evil.

That’s what lawmakers who support the National Rifle Association said in response to the﷽ Florida high scho🧔ol shooting that left 17 people dead Wednesday.

House Spꦉeaker Paul Ryan said Thursday we should “think less about taking sides” and more about “pulling together” in the wake of the massacre, carried out wit🧸h an AR-15 rifle.

“This is not the time to jump to some conclusion not 𝔉knowing the full facts,” Ryan ไinsisted.

He added that mentally ill people should not be able to get guns, and🌊 that Congress may need to do more to ensure that people “don’t slip through the cracks.”

In the wake of the Las Vegas massacre last October that left 59 people dead, Ryan also urged Americans to “come together” and called mental health reform the “critical ingred🤡ient” to🗹 preventing such tragedies.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has an “A+” grade from the NRA, cཧondemned Democraღts for trying to “politicize” the attack.

“I’m su𒅌re in the days to come we’ll find out more about what his motives were — but whatever they are, they were evil,” . “This could happen anywhere . . . Evil is sadly always present.”

💝Cruz made a similar statement after the Sutherland Springs church massacre last N🦩ovember. “Evil is evil is evil,” , “and will use the weaponry that is available.”

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who has received at least $3.3 million from the NRA throughout his career, first warned against “jumping to conclusions,” then said Thursday that stricter gun laws would have done noth🐲ing to prevent 💧the massacre.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the government would “do something” about mass shootings — by enfo൩rcing existing gun laws.