
Deadbeat son claims he’s too broke to pay child support

He’s not just a deadbeat son, he’s also a deওadbeat da⭕d.

Michael Rotondo — the 30-year-old upstate man whose own parents sued him to get him out of the housecomplained he was too broke to pay child support for his 8-year-old son, yet somehow managed to plunk down nearly $𒆙10,000 for a storage unit that has housed his busted 1989 Chevy Camaro for the past five years, according to court records obtained by The Post.

Rotondo fought the mother of his ch♒ild tooth and nail in Onondaga County Family Court in 20♕16 when she asked for an increase in support — from a mere $25 a month.

“He terrorized me,” the 33-year-old woman railed to The Post Friday, hours after the unemployed Rotondo was kicked out of his parents’ Ca🔥millus home by cou꧙rt o𒅌rder following eight years of rent-free living.

The single mom, who asked to remain anonymous, said Rotondo owes ab♌out $2,500 in child support. He was ordered to pay $56 a week last year by a judge after the mom filed a petition in October 2016, court papers show.

Rotondo lost joint custody of the boy in September, but not before f🎐iling three motions to dismiss his baby mama’s bid for more child support.

Judge Julie Cecile sided with the✱ mom and upped the support, while ripping Rotondo’s efforts to get a job as “minimal at best.”

A June 2017 filing shows how Rotondo cried poor while paying $920 a year in car insurance for the broken-down white Camaro with flat tires as well as a gray Volkswagen Passat station wagon that didn’t r💜un, either.

He has kept the Camaro and other belongings, such as 🦩sporting and gaming equipment, at tꦕhe $162-per-month storage unit in Camillus for the last several years.

The judge said the 𒆙expenses “completely undermined” Rotondo’s claim that he can’t afford to pay child su��pport.

Michael Rotondo with the help of friends starts to move out of his parents’ home in Camillus, NY.Gabrielle Fonrouge

“When questioned why he did not sell sucℱh belongings, he claimed that they had no value except sentimental, and that he had no legitimate answer for the obvious question of why it made sense to spend more than $9,000 over the last five years to store valueless belongings, at the same ti🌜me asserting that he could not afford to pay support for his son,” Cecile wrote in her Sept. 26, 2017, ruling to hike the child support.

Testifying in the custody case, Rotondo said he applied to only two jobs that year and shunned working in retail or﷽ fast food because “he did not want to accept a position he did not think he could work at for at least three yꦕears,” Cecile wrote in the ruling.

He “consid꧟ered applying at St♔aples but does not think it is a good environment,” she said.

Rotondo flouted a court order in March 2017 to produce records of his job search, claiming it 🧸“slipped his mind,” and also passed on attending a “parent-support program,” which would have aided his job search, because he thought it wouldn’t “help” his case, Cecile wrote.

Rotondo did all this while living under his parents’ roof.

Court records show Rotondo last worked in March 2017 as a part-time ski instructor, earning $9.70 an hour foᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚr 15 hours a week.

In 2015, he was fired from his jജob at Best Buy, which he’s currently suing for discrimination.

Rotondo gained national attent꧟ion last mont🐓h after he was sued by his parents for refusing to move out of their home. They won an eviction order.

He said the bad blood between hi൩m and his parents stems from his opposition to their seeking visitation rights with their grandson.