
ACLU stops caring about free speech and other comments

Libertarian: The ACLU Is Downgrading Free Speech

A leaked internal memo proposes requiring the American Civil Liberties Union to “carefully” weigh protecting the First Amendment against its commitments to social justice, racial equality and women’s rights, given what it sees as potential conflicts that may “create tensions.” And that, , is nothing more than “a cowardly retreat from a full-throated defense of the First Amendment.” As former boarꦓd member Wendy Kaminer noted in disclosing the memo in The Wall Street Journal, these guidelines “reflect a demotion of free speech in the ACLU’s hierarchy of values.” What’s clear, says Soave, is that the ACLU feels it needs to “remain in good standing with [its] progressive allies.” Problem ꧟is, “young progressives are increasingly hostile to free speech.”

Therapist: What About Other Kids Who Are Separated?

with those who sounded the alarm over the separation of migrant children from their parents at the border. But she wonders why the sudden concern for these particular children “when so many others in the United States suffer the same kind of trauma.” Are the news media only interested “when it serves libera🤡l ideological ends”? For children “tossed around in foster care,” she notes, “the silence around broken bonding is deafening.” Many are repeatedly “ripped out of the only family they have ever known, suffering the trauma of broken attachments over and over again.” Their story may not be “useful to a political cause like immigration, but it is no less devastating.” But you won’t heart it on the evening news.

Reporters: Yes, Obama Separated Families at the Border

Barack Obama may not have created President Trump’s zero-tolerance policy on illegal immigration, but his policy “helped create the roadmap of enforcement” that Trump until this week was following. Obama, they note, “separated parents from their children a𒆙t the border.” He “prosecuted mothers for coming to the United States illegally” and he “housed unaccompanied children in tent cities.” In fact, many of these actions, though done on a much lesser extent than under Trump, “led to an outcry of fear and ♒distrust” — not to mention legal challenges that eventually reined in his policies. One key difference is language: “While Obama downplayed his enforcement, Trump has embraced [his] and made it a signature issue of his presidency.”

Conservative: Why Did Notorious FBI Text Stay Hidden?

That text message between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page — in which he promised her “we’ll stop” Donald Trump from becoming president — raised a lot of eyebrows on Capitol Hill, and not just because of its “devastating” content, . Republicans “immediately asked why it had been not been turned over to lawmakers months ago.” Indeed, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said he first learned of it with the release of Justice Department Ins𓃲pector General Michael Horowitz’s report last week.It turns out Horowitz himself hadn’t known, either: “The Justice Department failed to turn it over to him, and he didn’t discover it on his 👍own until the investigation was nearly over.” Yet while Horowitz declined to point fingers, his account “raises questions” about DOJ’s actions.

Foreign desk: US Should Have Left UN Council Long Ago

🎶The Trump administration’s decision to leave the UN Human Rights Council “has been inevitable for some time,” . Unfortunately, “the unambiguous moral message of the act of withdrawal” and of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s statement condemning the Council as “a cesspool of hatred” was marred, to some extent, by its timing — coming amid the “highly polarized political uproar” aimed at Trump over the border crisis. That, says Lerman, “is a pity.” The UNHRC, like its predecessor (which was boycotted by the Bush administration), is “hopelessly biased, obsessed with Israel and highly tolerant towards a full range of human-rights abusers.” The current US team “patiently set the parameters for change well in advance, and finally came to the conclusion that they have not been met.”

— Compiled by Eric Fettmann