
Cops ID parents of baby found floating in East River, fear dad fled the country

Cops on Tuesday identified the parents of the tragic infant boy who was found in the East River near the South Street Seaport —🎉 and police want to talk to the dad, who may have fled to Thailand, lꩵaw enforcement sources said.

The boy’s mom walked into a Manhattan station house late Monday and said she was worried because her estranged partner hadn’t returned th꧑eir൲ son earlier in the day after a scheduled weekend visit, sources said.

The 36-ye♛ar-old Bronx woman told cops she feared the worst when she saw a news report about the approximately ­8-month-old boy pulled from the water at about 4 p.m. Sunday, ­accor🌸ding to sources.

Her son w👍as born in January, fitting the approximate age of the tragic child found in the water wearing only a diaper.

Investigators immediately went looking for theꦇ father at his Bronx home but he was gone.

What cops did find, however, was surveillance footage that first show﷽s the man leaving his home with the baby — and then later shows him without the child, sources said.

Police believe 🍸the man may have already boarded a flight to Thailand, but are continuing their search here and staying in close touch with Thai authorities.

The United States and Thailan𝓀d since 1984 have had a standing ­extradition treaty.

The names of the parents have not been released.

Meanwhile, offic🏅ials are still working to determine exactly how the infant died, and whether he was still alive when put in the ­water.

Horrified passers-by spotted the infant bobb🦋ing in the water near South and Dover streets just south of the Brooklyn Bridge.

A vacationing Oklahoma firefighter saw the infant, jumped into🍒 the water and pulled him onto an embankment, while onlooker🏅s frantically flagged down two NYPD cops in a patrol car.

One of the officers va𒊎ulted over a safety railing, picked up the child’s limp body and ℱcarried him to a pedestrian walkway.

There, both the Samaritan firefighter and the cop tried to r💃evive the boy with CPR, but he wa𝓀s pronounced dead at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

A police source said it appeared that the boy had not been in the water very long, and༒ no parent or guardian came forward or could be identified at the scene, authorities said.