
Trump throws support behind bipartisan criminal justice reform bill

President Trump on Wednesday came out in support of bi-partisan legislation that if passed would lead to major reforms in the nation’s criminal sentencing laws.

“I’m thrilled to announce my support for this bipartisan bill that will make our community safer and give former inmates a second chance at life afte🐼r they have served their time. So important,” ♐Trump said in a White House announcement, joined by supporters of the measure, including members of Congress and the clergy.

“We’re all better off when former inmates can receive and r🔥eenter society as law-abiding, productive citizens.”

Lawmakers reached an agreement this week on legislation that would boost rehabilitation efforts for federal prisoners an𒀰d give judges more discretion when sentencing nonviolent offenders, particularly for drug offenses.

“Our pledge to hire American includes those leaving prison and looking for a very fresh start. New job,” Trump said, adding that the law “will provide new incentives for low-risk inmates to learn the skills they need to find employment, avoid old habits and 🐻follow the𓃲 law.”

It wil💛l also “encourage them to participate in voca♊tional training, educational coursework and faith-based programs,” he said.

Criminal justice reform has been a priority of Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner.

Trump was expected to push for swift passage of the legislation, potentially during the lame-duck session of Congress.

But Sen🐭ate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said there’s no consensus yet on legislation to overhaul criminal sentencing rules, casting doubt on whether the Senate will be able to act on the issue before the end of t𒐪he year.

“We don’t have a lot of time left,” McConnell said, adding that measure would be competing for time with other year-end priorities, including spending bills needed to keep the government oꦚpen and a farm bill.

The House in May passed legislation that would provide $50 mꦓillion annually through 2023 for programs aimed at curbing ♚recidivism.

The bill has been held up in the Senate, where Judiciary Chairm💞an Chuck Grassley wants to include sentencing changes his panel approve👍d in February.

Grassley proposes to give judges more leeway in sentencing, reduce mandatory mไinimum terms for some low-level nonviolent offenses, and retroactively apply a federal law that reduces se🐓ntence disparities between crack and powder cocaine offenses.

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