
McConnell must allow a vote on bipartisan criminal justice reform

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell won’t commit to a floor vote for the First Step Act — even though the bipartisan bill has President Trump’s backing and is sure to pass.

Tಌhis is nuts. First Step would trim some mandatory sentences for drug-related felonies, make more nonviolent offenders eligibl𓂃e for early release and provide more funding for anti-recidivism programs.

It’s a key step forward for sensible criminal-justice reform, and Speaker Paul Ryan has made it clear he’ll hold a House vote if it clears the Senate. Since the House passed an earlier version of the bill months ago, it’s likely to become law … if McConnell cooperates.

And there’s a good chance it won’t pass next year: Voters last month elected a more liberal House, but a more conservative 🌟Senate. Finding the same middle ground may well prove impossible, especially as Washington de🌊scends into even deeper partisan combat.

McConnell claims he wants to use the available Senate time for must-pass legislation (e.g., to keep the government open) and to confirm judges who would have to be re🗹nominated in the new year if they don’t get votes this m🐷onth.

Thing is, Democrats are now block-voting against many judicial nominees (as well as insisting on dragging out every confirmation to the max), and about-to-retire Sen. Jeff Flake won’t vote for any of them as long as he can’t get a vote on his (blatantly unconstitutional) bill to protect special counsel Bob Mueller.

If no Democrat is absent, that leaves McConnell needing all the other Republican senators, plus Vic♎e President Mike Pence’s tie-breakingജ vote, for every nomination. Wouldn’t it actually be easier to do some of them next year, when Flake is gone and the GOP majority is larger?

Critics charge that McConnell is actuallꦑy trying to appease some of his hard-right members, such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who just don’t buy the case for sentencing reform.

Senate 🍰Minority Leader Chuck Schumer should call McConnell’s bluff by offering to fast-track a couple of less-objectionable nominees to free up the floor time for First Step. If McConnell’s going to strangle this bill, he should at least have to ow🎐n the murder.