
The secret dark side to the classic ‘Mary Poppins’

ꦫFar from being practically perfect in every way, Julie Andrews once put a bumper sticker on her car that said: “Mary Poppins Is A Junkꦑie.”

It was a jokey, failed bid to banish the sugary-sweeಞt reputation she had been stuck with because of the role — but if she had actually told the truth be🔯hind the classic movie, she might have succeeded.

The actress shocked the children in the film with her swearing and by smoking on set — while co-star Dick Van Dyke was an alcoholic who struggled with suicidal thoughts even as he danced around singing “Chim Chim Cher-ee.”

Meanwhile, the writer of the orig🐽inal Poppins novels was at war with the film’s producer, , obsessed with the occult, dogged by claims of racism and accused of ruining the life of her adopted son.

Later, Matthew Garbe𝕴r, who played the joyo🌊us young Michael Banks in the 1964 box-office smash, died tragically at the age of 21 after contracting hepatitis in India.

Despite it all, the film remains a beloved family favorite — and a sequel, “,” opened on Dec. 21 starring Emily Blunt as the carpet bag-toting nanny.

Karen Dotrice, now 63, who played young Jane Banks in the first film💧, is not surprised at its treasured status. She says that despite what went on backstage, the whole cast realized they were involved in something special.

Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, Karin Dotrice, and Matthew Garber in "Mary Poppins."
(Clockwise from top left) Dick Van Dyke, Julie Andrews, Matthew Garber and Karen Dotrice in “Mary Poppins”Walt Disney Studios

She said: “We started to feel like one b𒐪ig family and that we were all making something fun togethe🦂r that felt really magical.”

But she still remembers her shock as an 8-year-old at seeing Andrews, thenౠ 28, in full prim Edwardian nanny 🗹get-up — with a cigarette and exchanging blue language with the crew.

Dotrice added: “There was swearing. Julie Andrews was smoking on set. It was a very real 1960s set, I can🧜 tell you. They were polite around minors to begin with, but ♍that soon ended.”

Van Dyke has admitted that he was an alcoholic at the time playing chimney sweep♛ Bert, and would turn u༺p for shoots suffering from the night before.

The actor said: “I would go to work with terrible hangovers, which if you’re dancing is really hard.”

Van Dyke, 37 at the time of filming and now 92, also revealed booze led him into dark bouts of depression, revealin𝔉g: “I wa🤪s in deep trouble, you get suicidal and think you just can’t go on.”

However, he does not blame booze for the most infamous part of his performance, the Cockney voice which st🌠ill tops lists as the worst accent in the history of cinema.

For that, he blames, among others, Andrews.

He once explained: “ꦐI was working with a cast of almost𓃲 all Brits and neither Julie nor anyone else ever said, ‘You know, you ought to work on that accent.’”

Van Dyke's accent is widely cited as one of the worst in cinema history.
Van Dyke’s accent is widely cited as one of the worst in cinema history.Walt Disney Studios

Meanwhile, he was well ✅aware that on the sidelines, P.L. Travers — the writer of the Poppins books — was not happy with the casting of either himself or his co-star.

He has said: “She hated Julie and she hated me.”

In fact — as described in the 2013 film about the making of the movie, “Saving Mr. Banks” — Travers hated pretty much everything to do with the adaptation, which went on to win five Oscars.

For 20 years she had sent♕ Walt Disney packing every time he had tried to buy the rights to her stories — and when she finally gave in, she regretted it bitterly.

Her own Poppins character, who first appeared in a novel in 1934, was cold, intimidating and given to m🌼aking pronouncements with “a superio𝓡r sniff.”

And yet ൩here the nanny was, sweet, smiling, lovey-dovey and danci🦩ng with animated penguins. She saw it as an insult.

ꦫAfter the premiere, Travers told Walt Disney, “All the animation has to go,” not realizing it was too late. The mogul put her rig༺ht, saying: “Pamela, the boat has sailed.”

Travers got her revenge by refusing him permiꦗssion to make a sequel — even reportedly specifying in her will that “no Americans shall ever be granted permission to 𒁃work on a Poppins project ever again.”

P.L. Travers apparently hated the scene when Van Dyke danced with animated penguins.
P.L. Travers apಞparently hated the scene when Van Dyke danced with animated penguins.Walt Disney Studios

She died in 1996 — and Disney is now behind the new film,ꦍ with the approval of her estate.

Ironically, the movie was a passion for Disney and the books a pasꦐsion for Travers for the same reason — troubled childhoods.

Dotrice told The Sun: “P.L. Travers’ father was nasty to her. Walt Disney had a horrible relationship with his father.” The mogul saw the story as a fantasy about children transforming a cruel 𒐪father — like his own — into a loving one.

As a result, he cha💙nged the character of Mr. Banks from the kindly one in the books to cold and distant.

And his painful memories of being an unhappy child — forced to get up at 4:30 a.m. to deliver newspapers in the snow — also made him determined to treat the child stars in “Poppins” well.

Dotrice recalled: “I learned the reason why Uncle Walt was so nice to me and my family is because he didn’t want another 8-year-old to have the s—-y experiences he’d had.”

Travers had seen the character of Mr. Bank🗹s as a chance to bring back the bank manager dad she had idolized but who had died of alcoholism when she was 7.

She was appalled tha💛t he was now being made into a villain.

Born Helen Goff in the wilds of Queensland, Australia, in 1899, Travers moved to England at ag🐷e 25.

MARY POPPINS, Julie Andrews, 1964
Walt Disney Studios

And despite creating the quintessentially proper character of Mary Poppins, her life w𓆏as very unconventional by the standards of the day.

She enjoyed romantic ♓r♒elationships with both men and women.

For 10 years she lived wi🙈th Madge Burnand, the daughter of 🌊the editor of Punch — who once took a photo of Travers cavorting topless on an Italian beach.

Travers later fell in love with the poet Francis McNamara, an Irishman who once informed the author: “Mary Poppins, with her cool,ไ green core of sex, has me enthralled forever.”

Single again by the age of 40, Travers adopt✤ed a baby boy called Camillus from a large, struggling family in Ireland.

What Camillus didn’t find out until he was 17 was that he had a twin brother, Anthony, whom Travers had no🗹t wanted to care for despite his parents begging her to take them both.

On learning ☂the truth, he went off drinking w💃ith his sibling, a habit that was to develop into crippling alcoholism for both of them.

Camillus died in 2011 from the effects of his🧜 addiction.

The boys’ oldest brother, Joseph Hone, said: “💯I don’t thin𒁏k Travers was fit to bring up children.”

ꦺShe had reportedly chosen Camillus as the twin for her on the advice of her astrologer — and later became more and more obsessed by the stars, the occult and mysticism.

MARY POPPINS, Dick Van Dyke, Julie Andrews, 1964
Walt Disney Studios

The popularity of Travers’ books faded ove🐟r the years as racism in them became unacceptable — especially the shocking descriptions of black Americans.

In contrast, those involved in the f🐷ilm continue to thrive on their associations💜 with the smash hit.

Andrews, 83 — a stage star when she won the role — became a sensation, landing the Best Actress Oscar and her part in “The Sound Of Music.” She is now a dame.

Van Dyke overcame his demons and became one of the most familiജar faces on✅ US television.

Dotrice continued acting until the ♈age of 24, then decided: “I would rather just getꦫ married and become a mom and that was that.”

Tragically, Garber, who played her brother, Michael, o𒊎nly made it to the age of 21.

Despite rumors that drugs played a part in contracting the hepatitis that killed him after a trip to India, his family insisted ﷺit was caused by eating bad meat.

He and Dotrice were a perfect team♌, working on other films together as chil🥂dren.

She said: “We had a great childhood. We made three films together.”

“I wish he was here to give these comments too.”