F.H. Buckley

F.H. Buckley


Beto O’Rourke is being a hypocrite about the border wall

Donald Trump has a lot of things going for him, a sense of humor, a willingness to say whatever is on his mind, but his best asset is his ability tꦍo turn his opponents into absolutꦜe idiots.

There used to be something called the Mo൲nster Raving Loony Party in Britain, and that’s what the Democಞrats are beginning to sound like.

No, this isn’t about AOC and the Green New Deal. It’s about Beto. Robert Francis O’Rourke, the great Democratic hope who lost the Texas Senate race in 2018, but somehow didn’t descend into oblivion.

Right now, he thinks he has the wind at his back with Trump’s campaign for a border wall. If Trump wants to erect a new wall, Beto wants to tear down the existing one. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes asked him about that.

“Yes, absolutely,” answere🅘d Beto. “I’d take the wall down.”

Up to now, the Democrats have been a little hypocritical on the subject of walls. As senators, Chuck Schumer, Hillary 🌜Clinton and Barack Obama voted for funds for 700 miles of fencing wall in 2006. But 🎉when Trump wanted a bigger wall, Nancy Pelosi said that walls are immoral.

That’s trying to have it both ways💞. If walls are really immoral, you’d want to tear down the existing ones.🦩 That would be logical and consistent. And also very stupid.

To see t🎶hat, just visit San Diego. There are two walls there, one 10 feet high and the ꧒other 15. They replaced the single strand of cable that used to mark the border with Tijuana. When the walls were erected, they cut illegal border crossings by 95 percent. Tijuana is the world’s highest rate of homicides. And Beto wants to take the wall down.

I wrote a book about the dangers of an all-powerful presidency, back when Obama was ruling by executive order, so I’m not a fan of Trump’s proposal to declare an emergency and fund the wall.

But Trump’s clarity 💜on the issue had revealed what Beto, and the rest of the Monster Ravin⭕g Loony Party, really believe.

F.H. Buckley teaches at Scalia Law School and is the author of “.”