Test your ‘Game of Thrones’ knowledge in a quiz only experts can pass

The first seven seasons of “Gam☂e of Thrones” introduced countless subplots and c🐈haracters, many of whom go by several different names and all of whom seem to rock a beard.

The citizens of the Seven Kingdoms drop like flies and sometimes shockingly come back to life seasons la♒ter. Even if you’ve been diligently watching since Day 1, it’s a lot🎐 to keep track of.

Ahead of the eighth and final season, test your knowledge of the world of Westeros — and pick up some 🌱trivia for your “Game of Thrones” watch p🗹arty.

1. What’s the name of Arya Stark’s sword?

A. Longclaw
B. Oathkeeper
C. Needle
D. Heartsbane

2. What does the word Khaleesi refer to?

A. One of Daenerys Targaryen’s captured cities
B. One of Daenery Targaryen’s titles
C. One of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons
D. The name of Daenerys Targaryen’s advisor

3. What’s the location where most scenes in the North below The Wall are filmed?

A. Dublin
B. Bath
C. Croatia
D. Belfast

4. Which character besides Jon Snow has also died and been resurrected by a Red Priest?

A. Gendry Waters
B. The Hound
C. Beric Dondarrion
D. Robb Stark

5. What’s the official name for the naked walk Cersei did in the Season 5 finale?

A. March of the Adulteress
B. Walk of Shame
C. Penance for The Faith
D. Walk of Atonement

6. Arya’s direwolf is named…

A. Visenya
B. Nymeria
C. Aemon
D. Viserion

7. Which of the following characters has not been played by multiple actors?

A. Myrcella Baratheon
B. Daario Naharis
C. Dickon Tarly
D. Samwell Tarly

8. The Tyrell ancestral home is…

A. Winterfell
B. Highgarden
C. The Vale
D. Stormlands

9. Aside from his twin, Cersei, Jaime Lannister has slept with how many women?

A. “A wench in every kingdom.”
B. 32
C. 9
D. 0

10. Tyrion Lannister murdered his father, Tywin, with…

A. A dagger
B. A crossbow
C. Poisoned wine
D. He strangled him with a necklace

11. Aside from Valyrian Steel, what else can kill White Walkers?

A. A raven
B. Dragonglass
C. Greyscale
D. Ice

12. Which character is the Three-Eyed Raven?

A. The High Sparrow
B. Lord Varys
C. Darrio Naharis
D. Bran Stark

13. A phrase that Melisandre, aka The Red Woman, frequently repeats is…

A. “All men must die”
B. “The night is dark and full of terrors”
C. “Winter is coming”
D. “Hold the door”

14. Brienne is from…

A. Essos
B. The Iron Islands
C. Tarth
D. White Harbor

15. Right before her Season 4 marriage to Tyrion, Sansa Stark briefly thought she’d marry…

A. Loras Tyrell
B. Oberyn Martell
C. Ramsay Bolton
D. Renly Baratheon

16. What number Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch was Jon Snow?

A. 998th
B. 889th
C. 776th
D. 666th

17. How did Khal Drogo kill Daenerys’ brother Viserys?

A. Blew him up with wildfire
B. Poured molten gold on his head
C. Decapitated him with a sword
D. Infected him with greyscale

18. Which king did Jamie Lannister slay to earn his “Kingslayer” nickname?

A. King Robert Baratheon
B. King Aegon I Targaryen
C. King Aerys II Targaryen
D. King Joffrey Baratheon

19. Now that Season 7 revealed Jon Snow’s true parents, how are Daenerys and Jon related?

A. She’s his cousin
B. She’s his aunt
C. She’s his half-sister
D. She’s his real mother

20. What’s the name of the song associated with House Lannister that played at the Red Wedding?

A. The Bear and the Maiden Fair
B. A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
C. The Rains of Castamere
D. What Is Dead May Never Die

21. Who actually poisoned Joffrey?

A. Sansa Stark
B. Tyrion Lannister
C. Olenna Tyrell
D. Margaery Tyrell

22. What’s The Hound’s real name?

A. Podrick Payne
B. Sandor Clegane
C. Ser Davos Seaworth
D. Gregor Clegane

23. Ramsay brainwashed Theon to think his name was…

A. Hodor
B. No One
C. Reek
D. Pounce

24. The sassy little girl who said, ‘We know no king but the King in the North’ is from House…

A. Baratheon
B. Greyjoy
C. Stark
D. Mormont

25. Petyr Baelish is also known as…

A. Littlefinger
B. Master of Whisperers
C. Lord of the Vale
D. The Faceless Man

Season premiere Game of Thrones
9 p.m. Sunday on HBO

1. C; 2. B; 3. D; 4. C; 5. D; 6.♑ B; 7. D; 8. B; 9. D; 10. B; 11. B; 12. D; 13. B; 14. C; 15. A; 16. A; 17. B; 18. C; 19. B; 20. C; 21. C; 22. B; 23. C; 24. D;𒐪 25. A