‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8: Who will survive the Night King’s army?

With only four “Game of Thrones” episodes to go, se⛎ason 8 is quickly heading to its bloody finale. Next Sunday’s episode 3 will be the series’ longest, at 82 minutes, and will center on the epic Battle of Winterfell.

The bulk of the show’s cast — 🍌and members of all four major houses, including Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark — is lying in wait for the Night King and the Army of the Dead to strike. Many of them have🐷 said they expect to die.

We rank that likelihood on a scale of one⛄ to five spears of dragon glass — one of the two substances known to kill White Walkers (the other being Valyrian steel). One dragon-glass spear means a character is most likely to perish in episode 3, while five means they’re likeliest to survive the Night King and his army, and ultimately battle it out for the Iron Throne.

Beric Dondarrion:
He has been resurrected six times on this show. He’s out of luck and not important enough for the end game. Two dragon-glass spears.

Drogon the dragon:
Dragon slayings are visually so dramatic it seems a foregone conclusion that Daenerys will lose another in battle. It’s more likely to be him than Rhaegal, whom Jon Snow will ride again. One dragon-glass spear.

Dolorous Edd:
Jon’s Night’s Watch buddy had a nice reunion with Jon and Sam, neither of whom are likely to die … yet. One dragon-glass spear.

By bedding the pushy virgin Arya, he has slept with death. Having made all the dragon-glass spears, the bastard son of King Robert Baratheon has outlived his usefulness. Two dragon-glass spears.

Tormund Giantsbane:
This fan favorite has already survived the destruction of the Wall. He won’t also survive the Battle of Winterfell. His absurd giant story in episode 2 was a fitting swan song. Two dragon-glass spears.

Theon Greyjoy:
A powerful reunion with Sansa, whom he loves, cements his doom. Plus, he volunteered to protect Bran, who’s being used as bait for the Night King. Big mistake. One dragon-glass spear.

The Hound:
He had his reconciliation with Arya so there’s nothing more for him to do. May stick around to finish off The Mountain, who’s hanging out in King’s Landing with Cersei. Three dragon-glass spears.

Cersei Lannister:
She seems destined to go but not in this episode — she wisely stayed out of Winterfell and it’s unlikely she’ll make an appearance until episode 4. Five dragon-glass spears.

Jamie Lannister:
The Kingslayer revealed his vulnerability as a fighter to Brienne. On Sunday’s episode, he made amends with Bran and Tyrion, and Brienne a true knight. He’s ready to go out as a genuine hero. One dragon-glass spear.

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Scenes from the latest episode of "Game of Thrones"HBO/Helen Sloan
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Sophie Turner as Sansa StarkHBO/Helen Sloan
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HBO/Helen Sloan
HBO/Helen Sloan


Tyrion Lannister:
A bad job-performance writeup from Daenerys nearly seals his doom. He even predicted his own death. One wildcard: Bronn and his crossbow have to yet appear. Two dragon-glass spears.

Missandei and Grey Worm:
They planned for the future and a life at the beach. Curtains. This follows the pattern of Robb Stark talking about having kids at the Red Wedding and promptly getting murdered. One dragon-glass spear.

Jorah Mormont:
Sam gave him his Hartsbane, the Tarly sword m🐽ade with Valyrian steel to take into battle. His reconciliation with 🐬Daenerys concludes his story arc and he’ll likely die saving the head of his house. Bye-bye. One dragon-glass spear.

Lyanna Mormont:
“Game of Thrones” has never met a cute little girl it did not horribly murder to make its audience weep. And she’s a fan favorite. Three dragon-glass spears.

The Night King:
Will die either at the hands of Kingslayer Jaime or Arya, with her new weapon, leaving the remaining three episodes as a final battle with Cersei in King’s Landing. Three dragon-glass spears.

Podrick Payne:
He’s adorable and he can sing so he will die. One dragon-glass spear.

Davos Seaworth:
Because you need one heartbreaker. Could die saving the unnamed little girl who reminded him of Shireen. Two dragon-glass spears.

Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen):
Has put all his cards on the table concerning his true parentage and royal birth. While he could die, it’s unlikely to happen Sunday. His final confrontation will be with his aunt/girlfriend, Daenerys, who is now his rival. She is totally going to try to kill him. Four dragon-glass spears.

Arya Stark:
She has her new weapon and is itching to take down the Night King. Could die on the battlefield. Achieved a sense of closure with Gendry and the Hound and is now ready to go back the business of killing. Three dragon-glass spears.

Bran Stark:
Many odds makers favor the Three-Eyed Raven sticking around to the end, plus his spooky psychic predictions make him the series’ fortune teller for the other characters. Four dragon-glass spears.

Sansa Stark:
Her refusal to surrender the North to Daenerys in Sunday night’s episode reveals that the final showdown will be between these rival queens. She’s a serious contender for the Iron Throne and has proven herself resilient to all kinds of catastrophes. Four dragon-glass spears.

Daenerys Targaryen:
While she may die, this diva queen has a role to play in the end game of the story. The whole series is called “A Song of Ice and Fire”: Jon is ice and Daenerys is fire, so they’re not dying before the resolution. Four dragon-glass spears.

Gilly Tarly:
We need a named character to die in the Crypts. People are going to die down there. Three dragon-glass spears.

Samwell Tarly:
Was told he couldn’t fight in the Battle of Winterfell so he won’t be in the thick of it. Keeps talking about his overdue library books from the Citadel so will likely be dispensing more plot information through the remaining episodes. Four dragon-glass spears.

Brienne of Tarth:
She was promoted to knighthood, realizing a lifelong dream that will undoubtedly be crushed like so many other prospects on this show. A fan favorite and the show’s mightiest woman. Two dragon-glass spears.