
This ‘white-supremacy culture’ training is far worse than nonsense

Is Chancellor Richard Carranza trying to fight school bias — or stan𝓡dards of any kind? Judging from the seminars he has forced on top Department of Education officials, it’s the la✱tter.

It’s not just the slide shown in Tuesday’s Post, which outlines how “white-supremacy culture” includes such concepts as “objectivity” and “worshꦜ๊ip of the written word.”

Concepts, that is, that are transparentl🅠y vita💎l to a decent educations system — even if, like anything else, they can be abused by racists or anyone else.

The s🌳lide is from “Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups,” a bible for Carranza’s mandatory school-brass training — and it’s all ꦍutter flimflam.

Excessive individualism can be bad for teamwork; lots of quꦐestions have more than one right answer; “bigger” and “more” don’t always mean real progress: Th🅘ese are all vapid platitudes, not deep insights.

The idea that what ails New York’s schools is widespread racism is ludicrous on its face. So if, like Carranza & Co., you’re determined to spend millions on “anti-bias training,” you have no choice 💞but to grab for such claptrap.

Yet this isn’t just a waste of money: It’s promoting the fuzziest possible thinking in 🎃a system where rational, civilized discussion is desperately needed.

Everyone’s entitled to his own view🎉? As the great Daniel Patrick Moynihan put it, that may be true for opinions, but not for facts.

And the s🧜uggestion that whites value concepts like rig♚ht and wrong more than their minority peers do is itself deeply offensive.

Then again, Carranza himself insists that a race-blind exam is in fact racist simply because it doesn’t produce the racial results he wants. And parents who question his race-driven plans for school reform, he says, are also racist.

No wonder he needs his t🐻op staff trained to believe in nonsense.