
Nancy Pelosi: Trump is ‘engaged in a cover-up’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she believes President Trump is “engaged in a cover-up” following a meeting Wednesday with House Democrats over whether to launch impeachment hearings.

“It’s important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi said on Capitol Hill after the meeting. ​”And we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up and that was the nature of the meeting.”

​The California Democrat said it was a “positive” meeting ​​and a “respectful sharing of ideas” but didn’t say where she stands on impeachment.

Pelosi, unlike ma♑ny in her party, has been reluctant to go down that path and has been trying to tamp down calls for impeachment.

But the effort took on new urgency after former White House counsel Don McGahn defied a subpoena to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

The White House claimed McGahn didn’t have to comply because he had “immunity” as a former member of the administration.

Trump spent much of the morning railing against Democrats and the continuing investigations into his administration in the House despite special counsel Robert Mueller completing his investigation.

“Everything the Democrats are asking me for is based on an illegally started investigation that failed for them, especially when the Mueller Report came back with a NO COLLUSION finding​,” Trump said in one of a series of tweets on the subject. “Now they say Impeach President Trump, even though he did nothin wrong, while they ​’​fish!​'”

Mueller in his report said his investigators did not find evidence of a criminal conspiracy with the Russians on the part of Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election.

But he did not come to a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice, suggesting Congress should take up the matter and laying out 10 instances in which Trump acted to🧔 scuttle the investi🤪gation. ​