
Pelosi blasts Trump, then wonders why he backed out of infrastructure meeting

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on Wednesday slammed President Trump for abandoning a🥀 planned meeting on infrastructure spend𒁃ing after the House speaker accused him of a “cover-up” related to la꧋wmakers’ ongoing Russia probe🐠s.

“He just took a pass — and it makes me wonder why he did that,” Pelosi said at the Capitol, adding that she was going to “pray for the president” and the country.

Pelosi said she and Schumer were prepared to discuss specific infrastructure projects during the𝔉 White House meeting — but that the president wasn’t interested.

“We came here, very seriously. We are interested in doing infrastructure. It’s clear the president isn’t. He is looking for every excuse. Whether it was let’s do trade first or whether it was he’s not going to pay for any funding or whether today that there are investigations going on. Hello, there were investigations going on three weeks ago,” when the meeting was scheduled, Schum🐲er said.

Earlier, Pelosi accused Trump of a “cover-up” for banning former White House counsel Don McGahn from testifying to a House co𓆏mmittee, prompting an angry response from the president, who summoned rep💎orters to 🎉the Rose Garden to say that he would not work with Congress on any legislation while the investigations are ongoing.

“Nancy Pelosi, just 🍸before our meeting made a statement that we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up,” Trump said.

“I’m the most tr🍬ansparent president probably in the history of this country. The whole thing with Russia was a hoax as it relates to the Trump administration and myself. It was a total, horrible thing that happened to our country. It hurt us in so many ways.”

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck SchumerReuters