
Trump pushes back on Iran nuke threat

President Trump on Wednesday punched back at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani after he defiantlyཧ declared that his country would increase the level of enriched uranium by “any amount we want,” rejecting pleas from European powers to uphold the terms of🦂 the 2015 nuclear deal.

“Iran has just issued a New Warning. Rouhani says that they will Enrich Uranium to𝓀 ‘any amount we want’ if there is no new Nuclear Deal. Be careful with the threats, Iran. They can come back to bite you like nobody has been bitten before!” the commander in chief , without elaborating on potential consequences.

Rouhani, speaking at a cabinet meeting Wednesday, said Iran will i🔯ncrease its enrichment beginning Sunday unless those remaining in the pact help ease crushing US sanctions against the country.

“In any amount that we want, any amount that is required, we will take over 3.67,” Rouhan🔯i said.

“Our advice to Europe and the United States is to go back to logic and to the negotiatingಞ table,” he continued.

“Go back to understanding, to re🅠specting the law and resolutions of 🔴the UN Security Council. Under those conditions, all of us can abide by the nuclear deal.”

Under the Obama-era accord, Tehran is barred from enriching uranium above 3.67%, which would allow its use in n💜uclear power plans but nowhere near the 90% needed for nuclear weapons.

The European powers have b🌳een seeking a diplomatic solution to the crisis afte♒r Iran announced on Monday that it had surpassed its stockpile limit of 300 kilograms.