US News

Students blast Harvard’s ‘failure’ to address hate messages

A black student group at Harvard Law School slammed the prestigio﷽us institution, saying it “woefully failed to act” in response to offensive emails and text messages anonymously sent to four students.

The Har🔯vard Black Law Students Association in a Friday statement vented its frustrations over the school’s inability to determine the source of the messages, and over what they ca༺lled its lack of transparency in investigating the incident.

“Now, more than seven ♋months since the first hateful message was sent, the sender of this message remains unidentified and free to continue harassing Black and women students; meanwhile the targeted students have been left to continue fearing for their safety,” the group said in its statement.

Four students, two of whom are black, were the recipients of messages that read, in part, “we all hate u,” and, “you’re just here because of affirmative action.”

The victims reported the notes to🍃 school officials, setting off an investigation by university police, information technology officials and an outside law firm hired by the s♑chool.

“Sadly, the realities of technology sometimes permit those who commit such acts to evade detection, and we are disappointed that we were unable to identify who is responsibl🥃e despite our efforts along multiple fronts,” a Harvard Law School spokesman said 📖in a statement.

Despite coming up empty-handed in their probe, the students said Harvard officials promised to reveal the findings of the inves💮tigation.

But Harvard officials said it’s illeꦦgal to share the res🧔ults of the probe.

“For reasons of student privacy and confidentiality reflected in f♌ederal law and HLS practice, Harvard Law School will not publicly disclose details of investi꧃gations,” Marcia Sells, the dean of students, said in a statement. “This practice is designed to protect the respective rights of all parties involved in any investigation.”

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