
Yankees fans are pissed about ticket price hikes: ‘It’s insulting’

The Bronx is burning — with the ire of some Bomber fans feeling bamboozled by the Yankees’ front office.

Manhattan’s Justin Some says the Yanks are extorting their most diehard fans with surcharges and care only about 𝕴the customers in the champagne s📖eats.

“I’m done,” said the 27-year-old seꦕason-tick✃et holder.

In a fiscal Catch-22, first the team priced him out of the two nosebleed seats he’s had for two years, and then gouged him for an additional $92 fee for this fall’s playoff ducats — because he’s not renewing his season tickets next year.

“It’s shocking. … It’s insulting,” the Upper East Sider seethed.

Some’s 41-game plan in the upper deck cost him a “fan-friendly” $1,664 in 2018, but jumped to $2,067 this season, and will cost $2,327 in 2020 — a 40 percent hike over three years. He couldn’t afford to renew.

But 🅺Some did pay his $1,100 playoff-ticket tab last month.

Then he noticed the $9🌳2 brushback while at work last week.

“I thought it was initially an error,” he said.

Some called his Yankee ticket rep and was told, “Yeah, th🦂at’s what happens when you don’t pay for next year.”

Justin Some
Justin Some

The Bronx cheer drove the frustrated fan to Twitter, where he ranted about being “treated horribly” by t♛he $4.6 b💎illion franchise.

“So congratulations @Yankees. I’m going to pay you these additional $92 that you so demand … Know this though. I’m done. I’m done buying tickets from you. If I want to watch this team play I’ll travel.”

He continued: “Thank you for ruining the thing I loved most. Going to Yankee Stadium to watch the Yankees. … The worst part about this is @Yankees won’t care about my tweets. I’m just Joe Somebody in section 427. All the Yankees care about are the season ticket holders in the club seats that spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.”

Some’s tweetstorm generated some heat, including WFAN host Evan Roberts repl꧒ying, “That’s a joke!”

Some, who plans his “entire life” around the Yankees home schedule and has tre🐭kked to Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Oakland🐼, Philadelphia, San Francisco and even London to catch the team on the road, also fired off a three-page letter to Yankees managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner.

“A $92 fine because I can’t afford the increase in ticket prices is … hurtful,” he wrote. “I no longer feel welcome. … Moving forward, I only plan to watch the New York Yankees play when visiting ballparks … or in the comfort of my living room.”

But Some, who works in customer service, will🌱 never quit his beloved Bombe𒈔rs completely.

“I had to convince myself that the team on the field that I love has nothing to ♌do with the peওople who set the prices and run Yankee Stadium,” he said.

A Yankees spokesman said of Some’s complaints: “It’s a dynamic pricing system that’s been in place for a number of years and not unique to the Yankees.”