
Hidden tiny fire hydrant in Dumbo to be swapped with taller replacement

The new No Standing sign outside at 70 Front St.
The new No Standing sign outside at 70 Front St.Helayne Seidman

This jerky johnny pump has been tamed.
Responding to a Post story, the city has installed a “No Standing” sign to keep unsuspecting motorists from being hosed by a tiny, set-back fire hydrant in DUMBO that is responsible for more parking fines than any other hydrant in NYC.
The diminutive super soaker — six feet off the curb in front of 70 Front St. — will be replaced with a new hydrant in the “next few months,” said Edward Timbers, a spokesman for the city Department of Environmental Protection, and a taller hydrant will be placed “adjacent to the curb.”
He said the relocation is part of a planned capital reconstruction project for š“°watšŸ”Æer mains and sewers in DUMBO.

The Post reported how the 2.5-foot-tall fireplug in the well-heeled Brooklyn neighborhood was a ticket trap for unsuspecting drivers, who were slapped with 145 violations from June 2018 to August 2019 ā€” to the tune of $16,675.
Most hydrants are two inches to a full foot taller, are set back no more than 2.3 feet from the curb.
The “No Standing” sign was installed Friday.
While the city might be righting a wrong, it has no plans to forgive or forget the parking tickets generated by the horrible hydrant. “Individuals who believe they have grounds to dispute their ticket have the right to appeal,” said City Hall spokeswoman Laura Feyer.