
New Epstein accuser says he asked for nude photos just a month before his arrest

Jeffrey Epstein harangued one of his victims for nude pho💫tos a mere month before his arr꧋est on sex-trafficking charges, according to a new lawsuit filed against his estate Thursday.

Juliette Bryant says in her Manhatta🍸n federal lawsuit that she was an aspiring 20-year-old model in South Africa when she was introduced to the financier.

She claims he would go on to forcib☂ly rape 𝓰her across the globe — and continued to contact her right up until his arrest in July 2019.

“Epstein attempted to keep in contact with Juliette through email over the years,” the suit reads. “In June 2019, only two months before his death, Epstein sent Juliette an email asking her to send him nude photographs.”

Bryant, now 37, cla𓆉ims in court papers she was introduced to Epstein in 2002 by American model-turned-broadcast journalist Naja Hill.

“Hill asked Juliette if she would like to meet Epstein, who she called the ‘King of America,'” the court papers read. “Hill described Epstein as a well-connected billionaire who could help her with her modeling career and explained that he was visiting Africa with a former high U.S. Government official, a famous actor, and a well-known comedian.”

Bryant says she went t🔯o a restaurant with Epstein, the official and the unnamed celebrities — and then attended a speech given by the official the next day in Cape Town.

Epstein allegedly asked her to bring a modeling portfolio to him for casting, and mentioned he was “good friends” with Victoria’s Secret owner Les Wexner, papers say.

New Epstein accuser says he asked her for nude photos just a month before his arrest
Epstein in a 2017 New York State Sex Of🐓fender Registry photoAP

Bryant next traveled to New York City, the lawsuit says, but was soon aboard Epstein’s plane and on the way to the US Virgin Islands, where she claims Epstein raped her.

“Instead of fulfilling her dreams of becoming a model in New York City, Juliette was subject to extreme and repeated sexual abuse,” says the suit, which notes she was shuttled for two years among the financier’s homes in Paris, New Mexico, New York City and the Virgin Islands.

In Paris, she says, she stayed with Epstein’s reputed recruiter, Ghislaine Maxwell, and was forced to pose ꦐnude for photographs taken by assistant Sarah Kellen.

“For those years, Juliette felt like a prisoner and was afraid of betraying Epstein because of his money and power,” the document reads. “She was afraid he would hurt her or her family. In fact, the very first time Epstein brought Juliette to the United States, in order to scare her, he told her that when another woman had accused him of rape, he planted drugs in the woman’s apartment and had her sent to prison.”

The lawsuit says Bryant last saw Epstein at his New Mexico ranch in 2004, when he to🌼ok her to meet an unnamed government official.

“At the meeting, Juliette believed that Epstein had brought her there so that the official could look her over,” according to court papers, which say the meeting left her so upset that she fled back to South Africa.

A lawyer for the executors of Epstein’s $577 million estate did not return a message.

Hill did not immediately return a message. K𝓰ellen could not be reached.

Earlier Thursday, Epstein’s estate announced it intended to launch a compensation fund to pay off accusers.