Karol Markowicz

Karol Markowicz


It’s just insane to blame Trump for Iran’s downing of Ukrainian plane

Politics is a dirty business. Blaming opponents is standard. But there comes a time when such finger-pointing is downright unpatriotic. Liberals crossed that line by trying to pin the downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet over Tehran on President Trump ā€” a tragedy thousands of Iranian protesters blamed on the malicious ineptitude of their own leź¦‰aders.

The blame-Trump talking point wasnā€™t limited to wacky corners of Twitter, mind you. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) serves on the House Armed Services Committee and chairs its Military Personnel Subcommittee. So theoretically, she shouldnā€™t be a crazy personš“†. Yet she was all over cable TV blaming Trump for Iranā€™s shoot-down of a Ukrainian passenger jet.

On Friday, Speier appeared on CNN claiming that the death of the planeā€™s 176 passengers ā€œemanates from the death of Soleimani. … This all started from the time the president of the United States Ā­reneged on the nuclear deal that we had with Iran.ā€

As the song goes, Speier donā€™t know much about history ā€” specifically, the Islamic Republicā€™s decades of Ā­aggression against America and the West, dating back to when ā€œTrumpā€ was just the šŸ name of a playboy pršŸŒŒoperty developer.

ā€œCrossfireā€ was the Word of the Day among the American left to Ā­describe what had happened ā€” even though there literally was no fire from the US side. In fact, the night the Ukrainian jet was downed, Iran had fired on bases housinš’ƒg US forces in Iraq.

Facts notwithsšŸ’›tanding, CNN analyst Susan Hennessey tweeted: ā€œ176 completely innocent lšŸŒŒives, killed in the crossfire of reckless escalation.ā€ The Washington Postā€™s Anne Applebaum and NBCā€™s Heidi Przybyla also tweeted ā€œcrossfireā€ takes, while that paperā€™s faux-conservative columnist, Jennifer Rubin, made excuses for Tehran: ā€œAfter all the rhetoric from Trump and especially from [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo, I think any country would be jumpy.ā€

If rhetoric makes a country ā€œjumpyā€ enough to down an airplane taking off from its own airport, the proā™‰blem is that countryā€™s leadership, not the US president. The plane was departing, not approaching, making the Iranian Ā­action quite a big oopsie.

Iranā€™s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, cleverly played to US liberalsā€™ biases, blaming his countryā€™s blunder on ā€œUS adventurism.ā€ Vox writeršŸŽƒ Aaron Rupar and manyź¦• other liberals instantly parroted the line.

The leftā€™s ā€œrecklessā€ charge only applies to TrumpšŸ’«. Lefty protestą²žers raged against the presidentā€™s ā€œrecklessā€ killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Think pieces in Vox, The Washington Monthly and CNN, among others, all used the ā€œrā€-word to describe Trump targeting of this international terrorist.

But few used that same language to describe the actually reckless way Iran has behaved. Because liberals believe ā€œTrump is bad,ā€ many automaticallyź¦œ end up on the ā€œIran-is-goodā€ side to oppose the president. Soleimani was a terź¦rorist with the blood of hundreds of Americans on his hands. He also plotted terror attacks against the US homeland: You donā€™t have to believe Trump ā€” ask the Obama administration, which accused him of that in 2011.

Yet American media were downright solemn upon his death. Grabien Media put together a montage of media personalities describing him as ā€œbrave,ā€ ā€œa war hero,ā€ ā€œno ordinary general.ā€ CNNā€™s Anderson Cooper compared him to Charles de Gaulle, whošŸ¦‚ led the Free French against the Nazis in World War II.

Itā€™s hard to imagine that Soleimani would have gotten the same unseeā™”mly gushing praise, or Iran the liberal apologetics, had it been TešŸ·am Obama that had greased him.

There is a lot of room to be concerned about escalation with Iran without being insane about it. If you reach the point where youā€™re blaming Trump, and by extension America, for the Tehran regime Ā­accidentally firšŸ¦©ing at a passenger jet, itā€™s long past the time to rethink. Opposing war or the Trump presidency is one thing; making excuses for a leading state sponsor of terror is quite another.

Twitter: @Karol