US News

Son of Watergate operative Gordon Liddy convicted of possessing child porn

SAN DIEGO — Raymond Liddy, a former California state prosecutor and son of Watergate break-in organizer Gordon Liddy, was convicted Wednesday of possessing child pornography.

Liddy was convicted after a non-jury trial in San Diego federal court and could face ꦗup to 10 years in federal prison when he is sentenced on May 1,♍

Liddy had been free on bond since his 2017 arrest. FBI agents searched his home in the San Diego Bay resort city of Coronado after an Internet service provider 💖contacted a national tip line to report a user had uploaded child pornography i▨mages, the paper said.

Liddy had been a state prosecutor since 2008. After his arrest, the state attorney general’s office placed him on administrative leave and said Wednesday that he had stopped working there in November 2017, the Union-Tribune said.

Liddy is the son of G. Gordon Liddy, who helped orchestrate the 1972 burglary of the Watergate headquarters of tꦯhe Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C.

The scandal surrounding the break-in and subsequent cover-up led to the resi🌜gnation of President Richard M. Nixon and Liddy spent nearly 4 1/2 years in prison for conspiracy, burglary and refusing to testify to a Senate committee.