
Apple’s WWDC 2020 conference goes online-only due to coronavirus

Apple’s app developers are the latest victims of the coronavirus pandemic, with the iPhone-maker announcing Friday that it will move its an💮nual developers conference online.

The conference, known as WWDC 2020, wil♏l take place in an “entirely new format,”

“The current health situation has required that we create a new WWDC 2020 format that delivers a full program with an online keynote and sessions, offering a great learning experience for our entire developer commun💃ity, all around the world,” Apple executive P🐼hil Schiller said in a statement.

Apple also said it would donate $1 million to San Jose organizations to help make up for losses they will suffer from the event moving online. The San Jose, ♊Calif., event, which will still take place in June, is known to attract more than 5,000 people annually.

𓃲WWDC is one of Apple’s most important events of the year, where it unveils new features for its iPhones, iPads and Macs, as well as shows off the latest vers♛ion of its iOS software.

WWDC is a🌌lso crucial for app developers, who get one-on-one time with ﷽Apple engineers during the conference.

The decision to move WWDC online-only comes after Facebook and Google canceled the in-person portions of their annual developer confere🔜nces.