
Hero of the Day: Out-of-work waitress serves food to her community

She’s not hanging up her apron just yet.

Brooklyn waitress Shakeyra Stewart has made feeding New Yorkers her full-time job — even after the diner where she worked was forced to stop serving amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“It’s not like I’m busy — I’m unemployed,” said Stewart, 27, who spends nearly every weekday delivering groceries, shopping for home-bound neighbors or packing food at the Golden Harvest Food Pantry in Bedford-Stuyvesant, where she lives. 

“Since I couldn’t donate cash, I could donate my time. So that’s what I did.”

Stewart lost her job at the Square Diner in Tribeca when Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered a state-wide shutdown of eat-in𒀰 restaurants, then gr꧂appled with what to do with her time.

She wanted to volunteer but was concerned that being out and about could contribute to thඣe spread of the virus. 

Ultimately, she decided to give back “was the right thing to do,” so she put on a mask and gloves and headed out to hel🐟p. 

“I delivered food last week to someone who has the virus. They didn’t want to go out and get anyone else sick, but they couldn’t get food any other way,” Stewart said. 

“It’s been a huge struggle, but it made more sense to help.”

The out-of-work server found the volunteer gig at Golden Harves💦t through a neighborhood online support group, where nonprofit  was lookﷺing for help amid a dire volunteer shortage.

“The pantries have been pretty overwhelmed,” she said. “There was one day where it was only me who showed up.”

The food pantry stocks over 200🍌 bags a day, all for hungry Bed-Stuy residents, who line up for the grub on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“Each packed bag will have beans, meat, seafood — generally canned — but there’s also dried beans, chicken … onions, garlic, potatoes, bread, fruit, bananas and apples. They try to keep it balanced,” Stewart said. 

“And you pick something sweet [for them], like a treat. Some sweets snacks, or candy.” 

When she’s not lending a hand at Golden Harvest twice a week, Stewart is busy locating and donating masks for medical workers and taking food to sick Big Apple residents.

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Shakeyra Stewart
Shakeyra Stewart lost her waitress job in Tribeca after Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered a statewide shutdown. She is now volunteering her time to help those in her community.Paul Martinka
Shakeyra Stewart
Shakeyra Stewart shopping at a supermarket as part of her efforts to help deliver food to her community.Paul Martinka
Shakeyra Stewart
Shakeyra Stewart at a supermarket checking out items to help serve her community.Paul Martinka
Shakeyra Stewart
Shakeyra Stewart stands outside a Key Food with her shopping cart in tow.Paul Martinka
Shakeyra Stewart delivers food.Paul Martinka

“Helping feels good. Like there’s meaning to your life. I’m doing okay, but I can see the other people around me [are struggling],” Stewart said. 

“I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t [help]. If you don’t have anything else to do, why wouldn’t you?”

While she’s out delivering the grub, appreciativ🍰e Brooklynites still s💟top her to chat — from a safe distance, of course. 

“People have been so grateful and so lovely. One woman tried to hug me,” she said. “The impact feels more real because I know these people, they’re right there. It’s harder to deny or ignore.”

Stewart says she plans to keep volunteering at the pantry — even when she’s back at work and the pandemic is over. 

“Before I discovered this, it was starting to get really depressing and stressful,” Stewart admitted. 

“It still is, but after seeing so many people willing and wanting to help and be there for each other, it has restored my hope in humanity.”

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