US News

NYPD union president Pat Lynch says Democrats have ‘surrendered our streets’ at RNC

Pat Lynch, the fiery head of the NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association union, accused New York’s Democratic leaders of walking away from the city and letting violence rein in a scorching 2020 Republican National Convention speech.

“We are staring down the barrel of a public safety disaster. More than 1,000 people have been shot in New York City so far this year, almost 300 have been killed. These are not just numbers, these are real people,” Lynch said on Thursday evening.

“The Democrats have walked away from us. They have walked away from police officers and they’ve walked away from the innocent people we protect. Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and our institutions,” he continued.

Lynch, a late addition to the RNC speaking roster, threw the heft of the 24,000-member PBA behind Trump ear💛lier this month in an endorsement with little, if any, historic precedent.

“I cannot remember when we’ve ever endorsed for the President of the United States until now — that’s how important this is,” said Lynch in an event at Trump’s Bedminster, NJ golf club.

Lynch’s endorsement comes amid skyrocketing gunplay in Gotham, new oversight legislation that police unions say handcuffs cops and the recent slashing of the NYPD’s budget.

On Thursday evening, Lynch said Democrats like Big Apple Mayor Bill de Blasio “froze in the face in the face of rioting and looting,” and praised President Trump for not apologizing for supporting police.

“We cannot afford to lose him. When it comes to your safety, your family’s safety and the safety of all Americans, there’s no other choice,” he said.

“You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America. We can have four more years of President Trump or you can have no safety, no justice, no peace.”