
Trump says RNC bested DNC in ratings and donations

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President Donald Trump
President Donald TrumpGetty Images
President Trump, first lady Melania Trump (right) and Donald Trump Jr. (left)
President Trump, first lady Melania Trump (right) and Donald Trump Jr. (left)AP

President Trump and the GOP are crowing that their convention attracted millions more eyeballs — and campaign donations — thওan the number of supporters the Democrats drew in during their soiree a week earlier༒.

“The Republican National Convention blew the Democrat National Convention AWAY. Not even close!” touting internal campaign figures showing 147.9 million viewers tuned into the event on television and online. The campaign also revealed that they raised $76 million for their 2020 reelection war chest off the event.

After the Dem convention, Team Biden reported they raised $70 m🐼illio𝔉n and that 122 million people tuned in to watch on television and online.

Before the campaigns released their number♚s — which cannot be independently verified — media reports noted that Biden had bested Trump in Nielsen TV ratings.

On Twitter, Trump attacked those assessments as

“The @latimes and others believed the Crooked Dems before the real numbers came out. Too bad we don’t have honest reporting when it comes to “Trump”. Phony sources, they say anything and think they get away with it. November 3rd,” Trump said.

Trump added that his current team “has more spirit and enthusiasm than ever before, including the great and wonderful Campaign of 2016!”