US News

Arizona family loses 8 members, small business to COVID-19 pandemic

An Arizona family reportedly lost eight members to the coronavirus while their small business closed permanently under the state’s lockdown.

The Aguirre family had spent a decade expanding Tamales y Tacos Pue🌳bla — a food truck and catering business they first launched out of their van in Phoenix — only to have the company fold when business dried up in March, .

“My checking account went negative,” Ricardo Aguirre, 42, told the station. “It was just like, literally a matter of seconds, when I started seeing my livelihood go away.”

Aguirre said his family had tried to stay safe, but a ꧟member still got sick on May 1.

The infectiou🍸s virus then bounced to more and more of his fam𒀰ily; his wife, parents and two of his three sons came down with COVID-19.

Eventually, seven members of h🧜is extended family — in addition to his 67-year-old father, Jesus — reportedly passed away.

“I don’t want to cry, because I know God has something better for me,” Ricardo added. “I feel so incompetent.”

His mother, who was intubated 🔯along with his father, recovered but is still battling lingering pulmonary issues.

“She’s not 100 percent, she’s about 60-65 percent better, but she’s here,” Aguirre told CNN.

Aguirre said he’s explored trying to restart his business but is worried about a second wave that could bring another harmful lockdown. His one bright spot: he and his wife are expecting their first daughter next month, to be named Guadalupe De Jesús.

“We were ready to have a new baby, because we felt that we were ready financially, and we were ready emotionally to take care of another human being,” Aguirre said.

“Now, with this going on, I just ask God for strength to get me by another day. That’s all I ask for.”