
Georgia’s duty: Stop the far left from dominating Congress

It’s impossible to overstate the stakes in Georgia’s runoff election, where voting finishes up Tuesday: Republicans need to win at least one race to keep control of the Senate, and so serve as a vital check on a Democratic Party that’s careening to the far left.

Dems running th🌳e Senate as well as the House and White House would spell disaster for an America struggling to bounce back from the pandemic.

It’s likely to be close: The final RealClearPolitics polling average shows the Democrats leading the Republican incumbents, though narrowly: Jon Ossoff over Sen. David Perdue by 0.8 percent and Raphael Warnock over Sen. Kelly Loeffler by 1.8 percent. While polls have grown notoriously unreliable, this shows how important it is that Georgians worried about the radical progressive agenda get out and vote — especially since Democrats usually dominate in early voting, where the state has seen 3 million ballots cast.

A Democratic Senate would spell the end of President Trump’s tax cuts, which lowered tax bills for most Americans. 𝔍The southern border could be inundated. Regulation will increase, and a job-killing Green New Deal becomes a real possibility. Court-packing and socialized medicine do, too.

To say nothing of the way a united Democratic front will impose identity politics on the nation and “cancel” offenders any way they can.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday gave a clear sign of how things would work, as she moved to scrap a🀅 House rule that required new spending to be offset by savings elsewhere. Under the new rule, first pushed by Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, any outlays in the name of fighting the pandemic or global warming will be exempted from the “pay as you go” requirement. In other words, a blank check.

Ossoff has tried to distance himself from the progressive wing of his party. But even he supports raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and is in favor of statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The 33-year-old CEO of a documentary production company is an empty suit and perpetual candidate whose main talent seems to be fundraising from out of state. And Perdue has rightly noted Ossoff’s firm has ties to a Hong Kong telecom giant whose own𝓡er disdains the pro-democracy protests there.

Warnock doesn’t hide his radicalism — or even his loony, anti-American ideas. The pastor said in a 2016 sermon that “America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness.” In 2018, he declared, “Nativism and ethnocentrism and bigotry [are] in high places on both sides of the Atlantic. Before there was Trumpism over here, there was Brexit over there.” He was arrested for obstructing an investigation into suspected child abuse at a camp he ran in Maryland🍬 in 2002, though the charges were later dropped.

Geor💞gians should reject the politics of vilification and hate. All America will than🔯k them.