US News

CDC will recommend ‘phased’ reopening of schools as COVID-19 recedes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday released a color-coded guide for the phased reopening 𝓀of schools as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes.

The 33-page guidance comes after the White House repeatedly declined to wade into a battle between teachers unions and fed-up parents by deferring to the looming CDC release.

The CDC outlined four color codes for s♉choo⛎l districts — blue, yellow, orange and red — that contain different guidance.

Even in the most restrictive category, schools could reopen if they regularlꦜy test students and staff, according to the medical authorities.

✤“Blue” and “yellow” areas of the country have lower rates of coronavirus transmission and will be encourag🌼ed to reopen full in-person learning, with standard precautions like mask-wearing and social distancing.

“Orange” areas will be encouraged to adopt a “hybrid” model with some in-person learning or reduced numbers of students at a ♊given time.

The “red” zones would be most restrictive.

If red districts don’t routinely test students and staff, they would be encouraged to use hybrid models for elementary schools but remain virtual-only for middle and high schools. Schools that do routinely test, however, are given a green light to resume classes with reduced attendance, or begin hybrid models.

“When determining which individuals should be selected for screening testing, schools and public health officials may consider prioritizing teachers and staff over students given the higher risk of severe disease outcomes among adults,” the CDC report says.

“If a COVID-19 diagnosis is confirmed, schools can assist public health officials in determining which close contacts could be tested and either isolated or quarantined. Individuals should isolate or quarantine at home, not in school settings, and should stay home until it is safe for them to be around others,” the CDC says.

Although most US public schools are controlled by county and city officials, the White House and federal health authorities have significant power to sway public opinion and overcome teache▨r concerns about infections.

Preliminary research found low rates of virus transmission within schools and President Biden’s CDC Director Rochelle Walensky last week said schools can safely reopen even without꧂ teacher vaccination.

But White House press secretary Jen Psaki dismissed Walensky’s assertion💫, saying last week that Walensky was speaking only in her “personal capacity.”

This week, Psaki startled parents Wednesday by outlining a seemingly unambitious Biden reopening plan with only half of schools open one day per week, by late April.

“His goal that he set is to have the majority of schools — so, more than 50 percent — open by day 100 of his presidency. And that means some teaching in classrooms. So, at least one day a week,” Psaki said.

On Thursday, Psaki said parents “shouldn’t be” satisfied with that low bar, adding that the Biden administration h൩opes for broader reopening.

“We are leaning into science, we are letting the science and medical experts lead, and then his objective is to ensure there is the funding to deliver on that,” she said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said last week that billions of dollars are currently available to reopen𓄧 schoo🐬ls, but that the funds have not been dispersed.

“Just six weeks ago, Congress sent another huge sum to help schools. It brought the total for K-12 to about $68 billion. As of the latest update, only $4 billion of the 68 had been spent. Ninety-four percent of the K👍-12 funding we have already provided is still in the pipeline,” McConnell said.