
Trump implores GOP to ‘push back’ against Dems’ $3.5T spending spree

Former President Donald Trump urged Congressional Republicans Wednesday to make every effort to block Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution from passing the Senate after a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan failed an initial test vote.

“Republicans must take seriously the effort by Democrats to completely change America through the Reconciliation Process,” the 45th president said in a statement. “Democrats are now suggesting that budget reconciliation can be used to pass Mail-In Ballot legislation as well as trying to include Amnesty in their infrastructure package.

“The infrastructure package has little to do with infrastructure as we know it, bridges, roads, tunnels, etc., but is a dramatic expansion of Government that will cost much more than the $3.5 trillion being discussed,” Trump added. “Don’t let this happen!”

Democrats are hoping to pass the smaller infrastructure bill through the Senate before ramming through the larger budget resolution via reconciliation, which only requires 51 votes. With the Senate split 50-50 and Vice President Kamala Harris able to break tie votes, Democrats do not need any Republican s⭕upport to pass the $3.5 trillion measure so long as everyone in their conferen꧑ce remains onside.

Senate Republicans blocked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s procedural vote to debate on the Democrats’ $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan.
Senate Republicans blocked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s procedural vote to debate on the Democrats’ $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

The spending package would include funds for education, climate change, Medicare and other social programs. Progressives and immigration activists are also hopeful that language laying out a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants will also find its way into the final bill.

Trump sounded the alarm about the prospect in his statement, saying: “If Amnesty is included in the infrastructure package, there will be a run on our Southern Border the likes of which we have never seen before. It will be a signal that says ‘come to America now, because you will soon be a citizen.’

“Providing Amnesty to illegal aliens, in the history of what already is considered the greatest Border catastrophe, will result in disaster beyond our gravest nightmares,” the former president continued. “No country can pay this price. Will lead to ruination!”

Trump also warned that Democrats could seek to add language to the spending bill that would expand mail-in voting, a major point of contention in last year’s presidential election.

Former President Donald Trump fears the Democrats’ infrastructure package will entice more undocumented immigrants to enter the US-Mexico border.
Former President Donald Trump fears the Democrats’ infrastructure package will entice more undocumented immigrants to enter the US-Mexico border. AFP via Getty Images

“Any effort to dictate national Mail-In Voting will be a disaster for our Country and for conservatism,” he said. “There will never be a Republican elected to high office again. I urge every Republican to fight this and deny Democrats a quorum if that is what it takes to make sure that the Democrats can’t use reconciliation.”

Trump echoed Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who said Sunday that his GOP colleagues should follow the example of Texas Democratic lawmakers and🐻 skip to🐬wn to ensure that the budget resolution cannot move forward.

“Republicans must push back for the sake of our Country and, far less importantly, the sake of the Republican Party!” Trump concluded.

The motion to end debate on a motion to proceed to the legislative vehicle for the $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill failed 51-49 in the Senate earlier Wednesday. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) voted against his own motion so that he could reintroduce it🐭 later.

All 50 Republicans voted against the motion, including moderate Re🌳publicans who had asked Schumer to give them more time to hammer out the details of the legislation.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has repeatedly stated that she will not consider the bipartisan bill until the Senate passes the $3.5 trillion Democrat-only budget resolution. Earlier this month, Trump told Republicans to stop negotiating the infrastructure deal, saying they were “just being played by the Radical Left Democrats.”